Table 2

Market size estimate for social marketed family planning commodity aimed at wealthier women of reproductive age (WRA) in 24 low-income countries

CountryEstimate of market size for social marketing product for wealthier WRA
Absolute: WB middle-income poverty line (>US$5.50/day)Relative: top quintile
Zimbabwe1 449 000935 000514 000Larger estimate using > US$5.50
Nepal1 988 0001 517 000471 000
Haiti497 000432 00065 000
Gambia58 00046 00012 000
Comoros24 00013 00011 000
Chad230 000250 00020 000Larger estimate using top quintile
Liberia54 000165 000111 000
Togo136 000261 000125 000
Senegal409 000548 000139 000
Guinea128 000289 000161 000
Benin140 000302 000162 000
Sierra Leone84 000282 000198 000
Rwanda277 000593 000316 000
Burundi81 000407 000326 000
Niger230 000568 000338 000
Mali191 000600 000409 000
Burkina Faso404 000847 000443 000
Uganda1 238 0001 805 000567 000
Mozambique443 0001 017 000574 000
Malawi152 000843 000691 000
Madagascar170 0001 121 000951 000
Ethiopia3 822 0004 936 0001 114 000
Tanzania1 271 0002 637 0001 366 000
DR Congo689 0003 437 0002 748 000
Total14 165 00023 851 0009 686 000
  • WB, World Bank.