Table 1

Population health consequences of implementation without and with additional research for the HIV self-testing case study

Implications of decision making without further research
Expected DALYs averted by programme1 884 832
Expected additional long-term costs associated with programmeUS$888 203 454
Expected health opportunity costs of funding programme (DALYs incurred)1 776 407
Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (US$/DALY)US$471
Expected net DALYs averted by implementation108 425
Implications of decision making informed by further researchOutcomes study Cost study
Value of endpoint at which decision changes*0.05†US$9.98‡
Probability further research could change decision0.330.33
Expected net DALYs averted via research41 74089 375
Potential maximum expenditure on studyUS$20 870 062US$44 687 606
Total expected net DALYs averted150 165197 800
  • *The units for this row are the proportion of the targeted population who are diagnosed with HIV in facility-based care for the outcomes study and the cost per person tested in US$ for the cost study.

  • †This indicates that expanded testing is no longer cost-effective if the proportion of the population who are diagnosed with HIV and linked to care is below 0.05.

  • ‡This indicates that expanded testing is no longer cost-effective if the cost of testing exceeds US$9.98 per individual eligible for testing.

  • DALY, disability-adjusted life year.