Table 1

U5MR (per 1000 live births) and uOR by explanatory variables (n=5977, weighted)

DeterminantsN, weightedPer centU5MR
(95% CI)
Bivariate logistic regression
uOR95% CI
 Alibori84014.191 (67 to 116)1.761.71 to 4.36
 Atacora4988.3114 (97 to 120)1.770.69 to 4.54
 Atlantic60110.1106 (87 to 125)1.930.75 to 4.94
 Borgou72812.279 (67 to 92)1.970.80 to 4.84
 Collines4207.088 (64 to 112)2.140.85 to 5.42
 Couffo4257.190 (65 to 114)1.750.66 to 4.66
 Donga3495.8133 (111 to 154)2.66*1.04 to 6.82
 Littoral2303.944 (29 to 59)1
 Mono2774.6106 (71 to 141)2.050.75 to 5.61
 Ouémé5288.878 (59 to 96)2.010.78 to 5.18
 Plateau4177.0130 (100 to 159)3.86**1.57 to 9.46
 Zou66411.197 (76 to 117)1.950.78 to 4.86
Type of place of residence
 Urban224337.581 (70 to 91)1
 Rural373462.5106 (98 to 114)1.47*1.09 to 1.98
Wealth index
 Poorest123620.7102 (87 to 116)1.540.93 to 2.56
 Poorer123220.6123 (110 to 136)2.31***1.43 to 3.73
 Middle125921.197 (85 to 109)1.600.96 to 2.66
 Richer119019.995 (84 to 106)1.79*1.08 to 2.96
 Richest105917.758 (46 to 69)1
 Adja79413.393 (75 to 110)0.820.47 to 1.44
 Bariba83714.083 (70 to 97)0.680.38 to 1.22
 Dendi3966.6133 (100 to 166)1.090.58 to 2.07
 Fon208434.989 (80 to 99)0.910.57 to 2.07
 Yoa and Lokpa1903.2156 (126 to 185)1.670.82 to 3.39
 Betamaribe3856.4104 (90 to 117)0.550.25 to 1.19
 Peulh61610.382 (66 to 98)1
 Yoruba67411.3103 (85 to 120)1.160.68 to 1.97
 Christianity306151.292 (83 to 102)1
 Islam190831.998 (86 to 110)1.050.77 to 1.44
 Others100816.9105 (93 to 116)1.160.80 to 1.67
Highest educational level of mother
 No education389165.1103 (95 to 110)1.66*1.07 to 2.57
 Primary108618.288 (74 to 102)1.500.89 to 2.51
 Secondary/higher100016.768 (55 to 81)1
Highest educational level of father
 No education324654.3101 (91 to 111)1.75**1.20 to 2.55
 Primary125921.1102 (91 to 113)1.67*1.07 to 2.60
 Secondary/higher147224.672 (61 to 83)1
Mother’s occupation
 Not working96616.292 (78 to 106)0.820.33 to 2.03
 Official1933.267 (35 to 99)1
 Sales and services271645.495 (86 to 105)1.250.54 to 2.89
 Agricultural138023.1106 (93 to 109)1.200.51 to 2.83
 Manual72212.190 (72 to 109)1.500.62 to 3.65
Father’s occupation
 Not working1192.0109 (87 to 132)0.320.04 to 2.39
 Official83814.073 (56 to 90)1
 Sales and services135622.786 (74 to 99)1.420.83 to 2.42
 Agricultural265844.5109 (98 to 119)1.68*1.03 to 2.71
 Manual100716.990 (77 to 103)1.75*1.01 to 3.00
Size of child at birth
 Very large67411.3102 (76 to 127)0.930.57 to 1.51
 Larger than average104017.483 (67 to 98)1
 Average343257.489 (80 to 99)0.710.50 to 1.01
 Smaller than average61810.391 (71 to 111)0.910.55 to 1.50
 Very small2133.6163 (123 to 202)1.320.69 to 2.54
Sex of the child
 Male300850.398 (89 to 107)1.010.77 to 1.32
 Female296949.783 (73 to 93)1
Birth rank and birth interval
 First birth rank109418.380 (68 to 91)1.140.73 to 1.79
 2 to 3 birth rank and ≤2 years of birth interval4207.0109 (86 to 128)1.330.74 to 2.40
 ≥4 birth rank and >2 years of birth interval260943.685 (76 to 94)1.70**1.21 to 2.39
 ≥4 birth rank and ≤2 years of birth interval185531.077 (69 to 86)1
Age of mother at childbirth
 <20 years306951.4102 (87 to 117)1.240.94 to 1.63
 20 to 40 years290848.783 (71 to 95)1
Antenatal care visit
 No5919.9118 (74 to 161)1.350.91 to 2.02
 Yes538690.161 (50 to 72)1
Use of tobacco
 No588598.593 (84 to 101)1
 Yes921.5100 (46 to 155)1.850.80 to 4.27
Place of delivery
 Home82713.8105 (75 to 135)1.050.72 to 1.54
 Health facility515086.290 (82 to 99)1
Delivery assistance
 By TBA/Others100016.7104 (78 to 131)0.950.66 to 1.38
 By Skilled Birth Attendant/health professional497783.390 (81 to 98)1
Postnatal check of visits
 No184130.896 (74 to 118)1.42*1.06 to 1.89
 <24 hours379163.460 (46 to 73)1
 ≥1 day3455.861 (35 to 84)1.390.81 to 2.36
 National total597796 (90 to 102)
  • *p<0.05; **p<0.01; and ***p<0.001.

  • U5MR, under-five mortality rate; uOR, unadjusted OR.