Table 2

Example of a creative brief

Activity nameCOVID-19 communication brief
Client nameTanzania Ministry of Health
Date30 April 2020
Client contactNAMENational focal person
Purpose | The problem
The purpose of this brief is to coordinate the design, planning and execution of compassionate, engaging and empowering communication materials in order to develop and sustain the health behaviours that will stop the spread of COVID-19 disease. The focus is on personal and social protective behaviours such as practising personal hygiene, maintaining physical distance, wearing masks in public and self-isolation in case of symptoms.
Outcome objectives
Minimising morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 in Tanzania
Communication objectives
What does the communication want to achieve
Make everyone want to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by practising the personal and social protective behaviours desired by the government.
Campaign audience
Communication target | who are we trying to reach?
  •  Young people, aged 15–35 years. They are both the most exposed to the economic impact but also have a perception of invulnerability. They are slowest to adopt the behaviours necessary to flatten the curve. And while not as vulnerable as higher risk groups, they are not immune either.

  •  Seniors and those with chronic health condition most vulnerable to COVID-19.

  •  Potential partners who are willing to support the cause.

  •  Political leaders and government.

Profile of our primary audience:
  •  Speak and understand the national language and their own vernacular languages.

  •  Travellers, self-employed and petty traders working hard to secure their future and most susceptible to catching and transmitting COVID-19 (but need practical information about how to safely continue earning a living).

  •  Families care about protecting their loved ones (but how to do so, practically, is not clear).

  •  Urban audience currently most at risk have GOOD access to TV, radio and social media via smart phones.

  •  Rural audience have LOW proliferation of smart phones, little access to social media pages. Fifty per cent listen to radio regularly. TV and cinema are currently watched in public places and information spreads by word of mouth, eg, marketplaces.

Project target | What change are we looking for?
GET heads of households and families.
TO practice personal and social protective behaviours in the community, ie, handwashing with soap more frequently, physical distancing, wearing masks in public and isolation of the symptomatic.
BY convincing them that they can help save lives.
Persuasive argument
Theory of Change
Embedded Image
The takeaway | What is the key message?
 We must all protect ourselves and others from the spread of coronavirus.
 To reduce this spread we need to act together.
 Everyone depends on each other to achieve this.
 Therefore, we all have obligations to each other:
 “Don’t take it lightly, You are depended upon!”
Campaign tone | What traits are we trying to convey?
Relevance, compassion, empowerment, solidarity.
Campaign personality | What characteristics define the campaign?
 Professional, rational, informed, confident, reassuring.
Design principles
  •  Scalable to national level at reasonable cost and with reasonable logistics.

  •  No direct focus on health; no death/disease/pathogens: not clinical or ‘public healthy’ in tone/feel.

  •  Focus on changing behaviour, not awareness.

  •  Emphasise the emotional as well as logical.

  •  Communicate through common understandings, story arc and show more than tell.

  •  Materials must show benefit/consequence to target audience.

Measures of impact
  1. Scale of reach and engagement.

  2. Integration of above-the-line with the below-the-line communications.

  3. Presence of key influencers behind the campaign.

What is required?
All materials:
  • Must be engaging and memorable.

  • Must reflect the overall brand.

  • Should reflect the cultural nuances of different regions.

  • Should unite people.