Table 1

Sensitivity and specificity for VAD threshold of 20% with identified U5MR thresholds

Cut-offSensitivity (CLD)Specificity (CLD)
3578.6 (0.30)0.66 (0.32)
4081.1 (0.27)82.8 (0.30)
4579.5 (0.27)85.2 (0.30)
5077.5 (0.28)85.7 (0.31)
  • Sensitivity and specificity values approximating 80% or above were considered desirable to reliably identify countries with significant VAD, identified in bold italics.

  • Rows in bold italics show U5MR thresholds offering values optimizing both sensitivity and specificity, in this case approximating >=80% for both.

  • CLD, Confidence limit differences; U5MR, under 5 mortality rates; VAD, vitamin A deficiency.