Table 1

Questions and example responses from free-form, paper questionnaires completed by key stakeholders during planning of the paediatric acute care database. In total, this survey was completed by six intern medical officers, one nutritionist, one paediatric clinical officer bachelor student, four clinical officers and two nurses. The questionnaires were designed by authors EJC and AET.

QuestionExample Responses
Beyond what is currently collected*, what additional data would you like to see gathered?
  • “I would like to see if you can collect blood transfusion data. Thus, whether child required a transfusion and if child actually got the blood transfusion” (Intern medical officer)

  • “Height, MUAC [middle upper arm circumference]” (Intern medical officer)

  • “Medication administered pre-referral” (Intern medical officer)

  • “On patients who are discharged, if possible to include date of review if necessary and when to come back for review in clinic” (Clinical officer)

  • “HIV and nutrition assessment in under 5 and discharge book” (Clinical officer)

  • “Deaths of patients referred” (Nurse)

Are there any specific conditions for which you would like more in-depth data to be collected? If yes, what particular information are you interested in?
  • “RBS [random blood sugar] and Hb [hemoglobin] in anyone with a diagnosis of malaria” (Intern medical officer)

  • “Recognition of need for NRU [Nutritional Rehabilitation Unit] assessment on admission in malnutrition-related deaths” (Intern medical officer)

  • “Malaria – role of early blood transfusion in cerebral malaria” (Clinical officer)

  • “Heart conditions – use of cardiac medication, antibiotics in RHD [rheumatic heart disease]” (Intern medical officer)

  • “Diabetes – insulin/medications” (Nurse)

How with the data from this database be useful for you? How do you hope to use it?
  • “Influencing policies on management at primary health centres for example, health centres…” (Intern medical officer)

  • “Will help us to improve our data quality…and patients care” (Nurse)

  • “The data is [sic] like a microscope which will help us to see where we are weak and where to improve on and do much better” (Clinical officer)

  • “Act as a baseline and reference for future improved [sic] and research” (Clinical officer)

  • “To determine how many malnourished children admitted per year. Prepare for therapeutic supplies” (Nutritionist)

  • *Questionnaire respondents were provided with a list of the variables currently collected in the Health Management Information System Admission and Discharge books.