Table 1

Overview of selected studies

Study ID numberStudy (year),
Research design and methods
Populations (number)Study objectivesLevel of care (diagnosis/treatment)Dimensions of accessSummary of findingsAssessment of study quality (score)
Qualitative studies
Qualitative FGDs, IDIs and KIIs
Patients (11) and health workers (4)NATreatmentStructural and patient dimensionsTreatment delays due to stigma and discrimination, as well as a lack of required hospital tools.B
South Africa
Qualitative IDIs (part of a bigger study including a retrospective cohort
Patients (26)NADiagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsPatients beliefs and knowledge of TB symptoms, wrong perceptions of healthcare and family commitments, compounded by health systems missed opportunities and delays, impact access.A
Quantitative studies
South Africa
Retrospective trend analysis2009– 2013Patients (158)Time to treatment initiation (TTI) before the decentralisation, during decentralisation and after decentralisation.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural dimensionsDecentralisation and introducing Xpert were associated with significant reductions in TTI, after initial gains with the LPA.B
South Africa
Retrospective cohort study
(2508 in 2011)
(2528 in 2013)
Treatment initiation were assessed among laboratory-diagnosed patients before and after Xpert implementation.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsPatients age and HIV status, as well as diagnostic timeliness delay access.A
South Africa
Retrospective cohort study
Patients (637)Availability of confirmatory DST and TTI with Xpert compared with phenotypic and genotypic DST.DiagnosisStructural dimensionsPoor adherence to Xpert algorithmwas due to rollout of Xpert preceding training of cliniciansA
Quantitative studies
South Africa
Cross-sectional study
Patients (942)Evaluation of treatment uptake, loss to follow-up and retention of newly diagnosed patients.TreatmentStructural and patient dimensionsReferrals from hospitals, some health districts, being HIV negative and township place of residence were associated with treatment non-initiation.A
7Evans et al
South Africa
Retrospective cohort study:
First cohort: 2011–2012 (35% Xpert implementation)
Second cohort: 20132014 (>90% implementation)
First cohort (594)
Second cohort 713
Compared treatment initiation and TTI forlaboratory-confirmed patients with (first vs second cohort).Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsXpert implementation increased diagnostic capacity and treatment rates.A
8Hanrahan et al
South Afria
Observational cohort study:
2007– 2008 with MGIT phenotypic DST
2009– 2010 with LPA
Patients (n=1176 MGIT) and (n=1177 LPA)Compared data on patients registration before and after an expanded DST algorithm.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsIntroducing the faster LPA DST testing cut down time to diagnosis and increased case detection without the expected impact on TTI due to other health system bottlenecks.A
South Africa
Prospective cohort study
Jul–Sep 2011
Patients (641)Evaluated diagnostic follow-up and outcomes for a cohort of presumptive patients screened using a single point-of-care Xpert.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsPoint-of-care Xpert provided quicker treatment initiation, mostly same day treatment.
This was 2 weeks faster than for those started empirically or based on suggestive chest X-ray, and 20 weeks faster than for culture diagnosis.
South Africa
Retrospective cohort study
Jan 2009–Dec 2014
Patients (342)Analysed records of diagnosed patients, comparing diagnostic modalities to assess the Xpert effect on TTI.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsXpert significantly reduced the time to diagnosis and TTI. This was significantly shorter compared with LPA and culture/phenotypic DST.A
South Africa
Retrospective cohort study
Patients (197)Compared records of patients tested using the MTBDRplus and with culture-based DST to determine if TTI from specimen collection was shortened.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsThe use of LPA for diagnosis dramatically improved TTI but laboratory and clinical operational delays remained a problem.A
Quantitative studies
12Jacobson et al
South Africa
Retrospective cohort in Western Cape: two samples at baseline— for Xpert; and for LPA plus DST
2011– 2013.
Prospective cohort in three other provinces: one sample collected at baseline for Xpert; a subsequent one for LPA plus culture-based DST only with detection of RR-TB.
2012– 2013
Patients (1332)
*Western Cape Province: (835)
*Eastern Cape, Free State and Gauteng Province: (497)
Quantified the time to DST results and proportion of patients potentially placed on suboptimal therapy.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsIncomplete and decreasing adherence to National requirements for DSTimpedes diagnosis rates.
Long turnaround time for DST results following RR-TB diagnosis.
13Jokwiro et al
Cross-sectional study.
2016– 2017 with two phases:
Xpert only for presumptive DR-TB and HIV coinfection:
Xpert recommended for all presumptive patients:
Thirteen Xpert assays (13 137 total assays):
*2016: (4556)
*2017: (8581)
Compared the use of deploying Xpert only for presumptive DR-TB and HIV coinfection vs Xpert for all presumptive TB patients.DiagnosisStructural dimensionsIncreased access to Xpert utilisation beyond high-risk groups slightly increased detection of drug susceptible TB, but not DR-TB strains.
Persistent HS challenges impeded Xpert utilisation.
South Africa
Cross-sectional survey
Patients (1255)Estimated the proportion of patients missed by PHCs using surveys and testing.DiagnosisStructural and patient dimensionsHS missed most patients with TB attending PHCs for TB-related symptoms and for other reasons.A
South Africa
Healthcare evaluation
26 million tests in 429 hospitalsAssessed quality of care in public health facilities by analysing National Health Laboratory Service database for TB tests .DiagnosisStructural and patient dimensionsFacilities not adhering to national standards for TB testing. However, DST rates improved steadily over time.
Testing rates were transiently affected by policy and guideline changes.
Quantitative studies
16Metcalfe et al
Prospective study:
2011– 2014
Patients (352)Diagnostic accuracy and TTI for Xpert were compared with culture and DST.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsRapid diagnosis with Xpert was not, in itself, enough to remove health system delays to treatment initiation.A
South Africa
Retrospective cohort study
2012– 2014
Patients (543)Analysed records of diagnosed patients to assess proportion that could have been diagnosed earlier.DiagnosisStructural dimensionsLack of guideline adherence led to patients not being diagnosed.A
18Moyo et al
South Africa
Retrospective analysis study:
Adolescent patients (71)Analysed data for adolescents patients to describe frequency of treatment success or failure, loss to follow-up and deaths.TreatmentStructural and patient dimensionsTreatment refusal and loss to follow-up were the predominant reasons for non-initiation of treatment.A
South Africa
Observational analysis of 10 facilities
2008– 2012
Patients (541)Study compared TTI in MDRTBPlus Line Probe Assay vs Xpert-based algorithms.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsXpert reduced TTI by reducing LTAT. However, patients were being delayed by other steps needed before treatment initiation.A
South Africa
Cross-sectional survey
Patients (148)Determined reasons for non-referral of DR-TB patients.TreatmentStructural and patient dimensionsPoor HCW knowledge of the national DR-TB guidelines, and patients loss to follow-up contributed to non-referrals.A
21Oga-Omenka et al
Retrospective cohort study.
2015– 2017
Patients (996)Examined treatment rates and TTI using 2015 the TB programme records.TreatmentStructural and patient dimensionsGeographic location and level of healthcare influenced patient treatment initiation within the time recommended by the National guidelines.A
Quantitative studies
22Oliwa et al
Cross-sectional study:
Patients (82 313)Analysed National TB programme data for case notification rates, and capacity to perform diagnostic tests.DiagnosisStructural and patient dimensionsDespite guideline specifications, Xpert use was suboptimal, negatively affecting diagnosis, especially in children and low risk groups.A
23Timire et al
Cohort study
2017– 2018
Patients (133)Determined the impact of the Hain technology (timeliness and proportion of DST tests).Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsWhile decentralisation and treatment access positively impacted TTI, distance from the NRL hindered timely collection and return of DST.A
24Van Den Handel
South Africa
Prospective evaluation of different diagnostic approaches
2011– 2013
Patients (1449)Determined the impact of Xpert and decentralisation on patient care in areas with poor access to laboratory services.DiagnosisStructural dimensionsXpert introduction and decentralisation impacted treatment rates and timelines, but did not significantly increase rates of detection.A
Mixed-methods studies
25Doulla et al
Qualitative FGDs, IDIs: 2012
Quantitative cross-sectional sample analysis:
2011– 2013
Qualitative 45 HCW
Quantitative 2759 samples
Evaluated the effectiveness and stakeholder perception of routine surveillance system for previously treated TB cases.DiagnosisStructural dimensionsDelayedspecimen transportation, lack of resources and other laboratory challenges (eg, miscommunication, inconsistent training, etc) delayed diagnosis.A
26Mpagama et al
Retrospective cohort study and cross-sectional study: 201528 TB districts
399 patients
Identified healthcare barriers to implementation of molecular diagnostics and TB collaborative practices in HIV clinics.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsOverall, underdiagnosesoccurred where drug resistance is expected to be prevalent. HCWs lacked the tools, expertise and knowledge to appropriately manage patients with TB.B
Mixed-methods studies
27Mnyambwa et al
Retrospective cohort study: 2013– 2016
Qualitative: IDIs
Chart review: patients (782)
Qualitative interviews: TB coordinators (27)
Assessed the effectiveness of the Xpert GxAlert platformon linkage of patients to care.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsAlthough the GxAlert platform improved diagnosis, healthcare inconsistencies impaired correct management of patients.B
28Westhuizen et al
South Africa
Cross-sectional study: 2015Medical students (12)Determined the frequency and impact of occupational TB disease in current medical students and recently graduated doctors.Diagnosis and treatmentStructural and patient dimensionsOverall, medical students did not have adequate access to the support and services needed for all TB care, including DR-TB.B
South Africa
Qualitative FGDs and quantitative case control
10 FGD with parentsand providers;
Case control: 50 patients each arm
Caregivers of children referred to a specialist paediatric MDR-TB clinic to determine why many child contacts were not brought for assessment.DiagnosisStructural and patient dimensionsHCW attitude, coloured ethnicity, the mother being the source case, having a smoker in the house, transport time, cost and number of transitions, and fear of infection were identified as barriers.A
  • DR-TB, drug-resistant TB; DST, drug-sensitivity testing; FGDs, focus group discussions; HCW, healthcare worker; HS, health system; IDI, in-depth interviews; KIIs, key informant interviews; LPA, line probe assay; LTAT, Laboratory turn-around time; MDR, multidrug-resistant TB; MGIT, mycobacteria growth indicator tube; NA, not applicable; NRL, National or Central Reference Laboratory; PHC, Primary Health Clinics; RR-TB, rifampicin-resistant TB; TB, tuberculosis; TTI, time to treatment initiation; Xpert, GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay.