Table 4

Catalogue of context-specific indicators and metadata

WHO ANC modelIndicator nameNumeratorDenominatorPreferred data sourceOther data sources
Recommendation E.6Health worker density and distributionNumber of health workersTotal populationCivil registration and vital statisticsHMIS, health facility surveys, annual administrative reports
Recommendation B.1.3Percentage of health units with at least one service provider trained to care for and refer survivors of gender-based violenceNumber of health facilities reporting that they have both documented and adopted a protocol for the clinical management of sexual and gender-based violence survivorsTotal number of health facilities surveyedHealth facility assessments
Recommendation B.1.7Percentage of pregnant women counselled and tested for HIVNumber of women counselled and offered voluntary HIV testing at ANC before their most recent birth and received their test resultsTotal number of women with a live birthPopulation-based surveysHMIS
Recommendation C.4Percentage of pregnant women reporting having received any drug for intestinal wormsNumber of pregnant women reporting having received any drug for intestinal wormsTotal number of women with a live birthPopulation-based surveys
Recommendation C.6Percentage of women who received three or more doses of IPTpNumber of pregnant women receiving three or more doses of recommended treatmentTotal number of women with a live birthPopulation-based surveys
Number of pregnant women given at least three doses of recommended treatment (sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine)Number of antenatal clients with first contactHMIS
  • All recommendations come from the 2016 ANC guideline.1

  • ANC, antenatal care; HMIS, health management information systems; IPTp, intermittent preventive therapy for malaria during antenatal care contacts during their last pregnancy.