Table 2

Characteristics of the participants

SourceType of floodingGenderAge range (years)Number of childrenFormal education (years)Occupation(s)
FGD 1SeasonalWomen29–40At least 10–6Rice farming, caretaker.
FGD 2SeasonalMen25–391–4UnknownRice farming, fishing, glass cutting.
FGD 3SeasonalWomen20–361–30–5Rice farming, caretaker.
FGD 4SeasonalMen26–381–60–5Rice farming, farm worker, fishing, construction worker.
FGD 5OccasionalMen25–371–5UnknownRice farming, merchant, mechanic.
FGD 6OccasionalWomen18–301–50–8Rice farming, raising livestock, farm worker, caretaker.
FGD 7OccasionalWomen18–331–32–10Rice farming, raising livestock, farm worker, casino worker.
FGD 8OccasionalMen25–482–30–9Rice farming.
SourceType of floodingRoleGenderAge range (years)Involvement with community health needs
Three interviewsOne seasonalTBAsThree women67–79Informal antenatal and childbirth care.
Two occasional
Four interviewsTwo seasonalVillage chiefsFour men46–54Responsible for village health administration, benefits and support programmes; reporting health data; resolving complaints about health services; providing emergency support during floods.
Two occasional
Five interviewsTwo seasonalVillage health support group workersTwo women40–62Responsible for health education and promotion; assisting village chief with health administration.
Three occasionalThree men
Two interviewsOne seasonalCommune membersTwo women64–65Members of commune committees on health and women’s affairs; promote health services.
One occasional
Three interviewsTwo seasonalGrandmothersThree women44–62Source of advice on pregnancy and childbirth; knowledge of traditional practices and changes in care over time.
One occasional
  • FGD, focus group discussion.