Table 3

Univariable analysis for stage 1 and 2 noma

Study populationUnivariable analysis
Proportion of all respondents; n=7122; %(n/N*)Proportion respondents with stage 1 and 2 noma; n=13; % (n/N*)ORCIP value
Primary caretaker
 Other5.6% (394/7080)7.7% (1/13)Ref0.561
 Mother94.4% (6686/7080)92.3% (12/13)0.50.07 to 4.18
Pap eaten in the 24 hours before interview
 No32.1% (2271/7080)53.8% (7/13)Ref0.030
 Yes67.9% (4809/7080)46.2% (6/13)0.20.07 to 0.87
Frequency of the child eating pap per week
 <1 or never30.4% (2151/7080)46.2% (6/13)Ref0.049
 one or more69.6% (4929/7080)53.8% (7/13)0.40.13 to 0.99
Frequency of the caretaker preparing pap per week
 <1 or never29.9% (2116/7080)53.8% (7/13)Ref0.018
 one or more70.1% (4964/7080)46.2% (6/13)0.30.11 to 0.81
Duration of breastfeeding at time of interview (months)
 12+89.4% (6310/7061)84.6% (11/13)Ref0.782
 0–1210.6% (751/7061)15.4% (2/13)1.20.27 to 5.63
Colostrum given to the child at birth
 No12.0% (843/7047)15.4% (2/13)Ref0.366
 Yes88.0% (6204/7047)84.6% (11/13)0.50.10 to 2.32
Child sick during last 12 months
 No30.0% (2,131/7,080)7.7% (1/13)Ref0.041
 Yes70.0% (4949/7080)92.3% (12/13)8.81.11 to 69.49
Did you seek healthcare for this child in the last year?
 No48.4% (3428/7080)23.1% (3/13)Ref0.221
 Yes51.6% (3652/7080)76.9% (10/13)2.50.58 to 10.51
Vegetables eaten in the 24 hours before interview
 No68.2% (4829/7080)76.9% (10/13)Ref0.461
 Yes31.8% (2251/7080)23.1% (3/13)0.60.13 to 2.50
Wealth score (mobile phone, motorbike, tractor, camel)
 0–163.5% (4522/7122)84.6% (11/13)Ref0.106
 2–436.5% (2600/7122)15.4% (2/13)0.30.08 to 1.27
  • Analysis adjusted for the survey design.

  • P value from logistic regression model.

  • *n=total number of respondents who answered the question (excluding missing).