Table 2

Referral readiness in public facilities providing childbirth care in Senegal

Data sourceNSPANMoHSA health facility census
Telephone availability* (%)Vehicle access† (%)Access to closest facility performing caesareans, among facilities without caesarean capacity
On-siteAt other facilityNoneMedian road network distance (IQR)Median direct travel time (IQR)% within 1-hour driving time
Hospital (all urban)17941000030-‡-‡-‡
Health centre (urban)239610000467 km
(2 km–28 km)
10 min
(3 min–28 min)
Health centre (rural)1985891103444 km
(27 km–59 km)
48 min
(28 min–1 hour 10 min)
Health post (urban)30343751121854 km
(2 km–9 km)
6 min
(4 min–12 min)
Health post (rural)2034544431396438 km
(22 km–58 km)
47 min
(28 min–1 hour 12 min)
Hospitals, health centres and health posts292489640125932 km
(14 km–54 km)
41 min
(19 min–1 hr 06)
Health hut (all rural)18428329680
  • Sources: Senegal 2017 SPA78 and MoHSA National health facility census.41

  • *Functional landline or mobile phone paid for by the facility.

  • †Any vehicle used for transporting patients, mutually exclusive categories (facilities with vehicle access on-site are not asked about vehicle access at other facility)

  • ‡Only two hospitals did not have caesarean capacity, both specialised hospitals in Dakar within 3 min of a hospital with caesarean capacity

  • §Health huts are funded by the community rather than the MoHSA; they do not appear in the MoHSA health facility census.

  • MoHSA, Ministry of Health and Social Action; SPA, Service Provision Assessment.