Patient attitude or behaviour | Representative quotation |
Distrust of the health system | Q19. I know about (the nearby government hospital). I don’t like that place. So I came to (a tertiary hospital). In (the tertiary hospital), they maintain cleanliness. (Man with a prior treatment history). |
Q20. I don’t think they (government clinics) provide good care. (Man with a prior treatment history). | |
Fear of medication toxicities | Q21. He would tell me, ‘They are going to kill me by giving me these tablets. If I take these tablets, I will feel very giddy.’ (Family member of a man with a prior treatment history) |
Fear of further medical care | Q22. Yes, the doctor admitted him in the ward…(T)wo patients died close to my husband… the next night two more patients also died there so my husband became very scared and we discharged him. (Family member of a man without a prior treatment history). |
Q23. (H)is mind didn’t accept the fact that he has to take treatment for 6 months. (Family member of a man with a prior treatment history) | |
Care-seeking at multiple sites | Q24. We went to (a TB outpatient clinic) where he was diagnosed… Whenever he took tablets he felt drowsy, so we decided to try treatment (at a TB speciality hospital)… but he left there so we took him to (another TB speciality hospital). (Family member of a man with a prior treatment history). |
Refusal of further care | Q25. When they gave him tablets, he would keep them in his hands and throw them away later. That is what happened at (the inpatient hospital) … After a few days, he ran away from the hospital. (Family member of a man with a prior treatment history). |
TB, tuberculosis.