Table 5

Average marginal effect of the probability of choosing the largest facility J when regressor increases by one unit for median facility K at the average of other covariates

Largest facility JMedian facility K
Probability of choosing each facility0.1120.069
Distance to facility (km)
Marginal effect of increasing the distance to own facility by 1 km, reduces the probability of choosing that health facility (own effect) by−0.0380.003
Marginal effect of increasing the distance to cross facility by 1 km, increases probability of choosing the other health facility (cross effect) by0.003−0.025
Range of family planning commodities available at facility
Marginal effect of increasing the range of family planning by one method, increases the probability of choosing the health facility (own effect) by−0.177−0.116
Marginal effect of increasing the range of family planning by one method, decreases the probability of choosing the other health facility (cross effect) by0.01390.0139
Fees for family planning services at facility
Marginal effect of having fees for family planning, decreases the probability of choosing the health facility (own effect) by−0.332−0.217
Marginal effect of having fees for family planning, increases the probability of choosing the other health facility (cross effect) by0.0260.026
  • NB: largest facility is the facility with the most number of women receiving their contraceptive method.