Table 3

Consultations attended by boys and girls

Consultations attendedBoys
OR† (95% CI)P valueOR† (95% CI)P value
Children attending at least one consultation, total84611651.78 (1.58 to 2.00)<0.0011.81 (1.60 to 2.05)<0.001
Consultations per child, mean (SE)0.63 (1.17)1.02 (1.54)
Overall number of consultations attended15272471
  • Numbers, unadjusted and adjusted ORs for attending at least one consultation by girls relative to boys in the randomly sampled children followed throughout implementation.

  • Unadjusted: All children with outcome measures, not adjusted for any demographic or study design characteristics.

  • Adjusted: for age, school size, school flooding and school programmes considered in stratification and for school flooding in January 2015.

  • *n = number of children offered consultations (not withdrawn or deceased)

  • †Standard errors adjusted for clustering within schools

  • SE, standard error.