Table 1

Field epidemiology training programme of Papua New Guinea core competencies

Descriptive analysis of health data to support outbreak detection and response, and intervention-based research
  • Analyse health data using basic principles of descriptive epidemiology (eg, clinical, time, place, person)

  • Calculate rates and descriptive statistics

  • Create tables, graphs, maps

  • Identify trends, patterns and unusual deviations

Monitor and assess local surveillance data
  • Describe the role of indicator and event-based surveillance in public health practice

  • Describe the key characteristics of surveillance: purpose, list of diseases included, flow, case definitions, timeliness requirements and so on

  • Describe how to screen, detect and verify events of public health importance

  • Evaluate a surveillance system

Investigate disease outbreaks
  • Understand the steps in an outbreak investigation, including identifying appropriate control measures in different scenarios

Conduct field research leading to a practical intervention that is implemented, monitored and evaluated
  • Conduct an applied research project that collects data or utilises existing data to identify gaps or barriers to the delivery of a health programme or service

  • Design and implement an evidence-based intervention to improve health programme delivery

Communicate effectively with colleagues and community
  • Prepare and deliver an oral presentation for health facility management and staff, and for NDOH senior management

  • Prepare abstracts, manuscripts or presentations for scientific audiences (eg, conferences, peer-reviewed publications)

  • NDOH, National Department of Health.