Table 1

Description of the alternative models

Alternative strategiesDescriptionSkill-mixNewborn-to-staff ratioPercentage of newborns receiving good quality nursing careCoverage level of all newborns in need for hospital care
Model 1Care as usual, where neonatal care continued to be delivered at current staffing and quality levels.Only neonatal nurses15 in all types of care0%39%
Model 2This model achieves good quality of nursing care at current levels of coverage by increasing the number of neonatal nurses.Only neonatal nurses6 in standard care
3 in intermediate care
1 in intensive care
Model 3This model achieves good quality of nursing care at current levels of coverage by increasing nursing staff with a mix of neonatal nurses and NHCAs.Neonatal nurses and NHCAs6 in standard care
3 in intermediate care
1 in intensive care
Model 4This model achieves good quality of nursing care for all newborns in need for public hospital care by increasing nursing staff with a mix of neonatal nurses and NHCAs.Neonatal nurses and NHCAs6 in standard care
3 in intermediate care
1 in intensive care
Model 5This model achieves moderate quality of nursing care at current levels of coverage by increasing nursing staff with a mix of neonatal nurses and NHCAs.Neonatal nurses and NHCAs12 in standard care
6in intermediate care
3 in intensive care
  • All models assume the same health facilities and therefore, the maximum possible coverage in public hospitals is 71%.

  • NHCAs, neonatal healthcare assistants.