Table 3

Correlations of the mean haemoglobin concentration and prevalence of total anaemia and moderate+severe anaemia between children aged 6–59 months and non-pregnant women aged 15 to 49 years residing in 100 different UNHCR refugee settings across 21 countries, 2013–2016

Correlation of mean Hb (g/L)Correlation of prevalence of total anaemia*Correlation of prevalence of moderate+severe anaemia†
By survey
 Overall correlation0.790.800.76
  Eastern and Southern Africa0.720.750.72
  West and Central Africa0.590.580.53
  Middle East and North Africa0.730.620.57
By setting‡
 Overall correlation0.790.820.77
  Eastern and Southern Africa0.750.790.73
  West and Central Africa0.570.600.57
  Middle East and North Africa0.760.640.68
  • *Total anaemia in women and children defined as Hb <120 g/L and Hb <110 g/L, respectively.

  • †Moderate+severe anaemia defined in women and children as Hb <110 g/L and Hb <100 g/L, respectively.

  • ‡Median value for each indicator across all surveys conducted in a given setting (refugee camp or non-camp site).

  • Hb, hemoglobin; UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.