Table 2

The effects of More Doctors Programme (MDP) on the number of age-standardised ambulatory admissions (1000 people) and costs (1000 people, in BRL) for 1–4 years old, 5–19 years old, 20 and plus years old and all people, for the subsample of municipalities with priority

AdmissionsCosts of admissions (BRL)
Dep. Var.1–4 years old5–19 years old20 or plus years oldAll people1–4 years old5–19 years old20 or plus years oldAll people
Observations16 87916 87916 87916 87916 87916 87916 87916 879
Mean Dep.Var.23.558.67916.8214.971788654.367267755
No. of clusters16881688168816881688168816881688
  • The table presents estimates of the effects of MDP on the number of age-standardised ambulatory admissions and the costs (in BRL), by age group (1–4 years old, 5–19 years old, 20 and plus years old and all people). The number of admissions and costs are expressed per 1000 people. The estimates are from a difference-in-differences estimation where ‘POST’ takes value one if the year is after 2013 (2014–2017), and ‘MDP’ is an indicator for whether the municipality has at least an MDP doctor. The analysis is restricted to the sample of municipalities which were given priority in the implementation of MDP: (1) municipalities who have at least 20% of the population in extreme poverty, and (2) municipalities were among the 100 with more than 80 000 inhabitants, with the lowest level of per capita public revenue and high social vulnerability of inhabitants. Municipality and time fixed effects are included. SE are clustered at the municipality level. Significantly different than zero at 99 (***), 95 (**), 90 (*) per cent confidence.