Table 1

Changes on the NHP of DPRK

AreaNHP 2004-2008NHP 2010–2015NHP 2016–2020
1Tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDSDecrease burden of communicable diseases.To intensify the development of the Juche-oriented medical science and technology.
2Other infectious diseases (hepatitis B, intestinal infectious diseases and parasitosis)Delivery of quality medical services.To establish nation-wide telemedicine system and improve the operational quality.
3Non-communicable diseases (CVD, cancer, oral disease)Strengthen household doctor system.To upgrade the health sector to information oriented one.
4Tobacco controlProtect and promote maternal, child and elderly health.To strengthen systems for prevention and surveillance of diseases.
5Maternal and child health, including immunisationStrengthen prevention and control of major NCD and risk factors.To facilitate the modernisation of medicine manufacture, production of Koryo traditional medicine and modernisation of medical tools, production.
6Food safetyProvide sufficient medicines (essential medicines and OTC medicines).To provide safe and healthy environment.
7NutritionStrengthen human resources for health.To strengthen section doctor system and improve the quality of health service.
8Mental healthIntegrated health management information system.To improve the technical competency of health workers.
9Blood safetyStrengthen emergency preparedness.To improve the maternal, child and aged healthcare.
10Health and environmentIntensify international cooperation and partnership.To strengthen professional development of midwives for providing quality SRH services.
11Developing and application of new technologyTo strengthen the capacity of leadership and management in public health.
12Essential drugs and drug quality assuranceTo develop the capacity for immediate response to emergencies and disasters.
13Strengthening of health system
14Training/reorientation of health workers
  • CVD, cardiovascular disease; DPRK, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; NCD, Noncommunicable Diseases; NHP, National Health Priorities; OTC, Over-the-Counter; SRH, Sexual and Reproductive Health.