Table 2

Effect of power outage indices on institutional delivery (log odds)

Unadjusted Log-OR (Frequency)Unadjusted Log-OR (Duration)Unadjusted Log-OR (Frequency and Duration)Adjusted Log-ORAdjusted Log-OR (Month Fixed Effects)Adjusted Log-OR (Month and District Fixed Effects)Adjusted Log-OR (Month and District Fixed Effects and Interaction Term)Adjusted Log-OR (Month and District Fixed Effects and Antenatal Visits)Adjusted Log-OR (Month and District Fixed Effects and Electrified)Adjusted Log-OR (Month and District Fixed Effects and Duration/Frequency)
Frequency Index−0.035*−0.034*−0.012−0.020−0.021*−0.011−0.036*−0.021−0.010
(-0.047,–0.024)(-0.046,–0.023)(−0.028, 0.006)(−0.040, 0.001)(-0.042,–0.0002)(−0.052, 0.035)(-0.06,–0.01)(−0.044, 0.001)(−0.054, 0.035)
Duration Index0.003*0.0010.00−0.002−0.002−0.001−0.006*−0.0020.0007
(0.0001, 0.0052)(−0.002, 0.003)(−0.003, 0.002)(−0.006, 0.003)(−0.006, 0.002)(−0.006, 0.005)(−0.011, 0)(−0.006, 0.002)(−0.006, 0.005)
Frequency Index x Duration Index−0.0001
Duration Index/Frequency Index−0.0001
(−0.001, 0)
(0.232, 0.656)(0.249, 0.678)(0.200, 0.667)(0.219, 0.668)(0.146, 0.743)(0.194, 0.7)(0.243, 0.682)
Antenatal Visits0.683*
(0.508, 0.88)
Electrified: No electricity access−0.236*−0.238*
Linear Monthly Time Trend0.017*0.016*0.016*0.016*0.016*0.016*0.016*
(0.0110, 0.024)(0.009, 0.022)(0.009, 0.023)(0.008, 0.022)(0.008, 0.025)(0.01, 0.024)(0.009, 0.023)
Month Fixed EffectsNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYesYes
District Fixed EffectsNoNoNoNoNoYesYesYesYesYes
  • Bootstrapped 95% CIs are reported in parentheses.

  • Included in the models but not shown in the tables are wealth index, mother’s education, mother’s age, parity, and religion. The full results are available from the authors upon request.

  • *Denotes statistical significance at the 5% level.