Table 2

Demographics of the ASHAs participating in the discrete choice experiment (n=299)

n (%)
Age (years)
 Mean age35
 Primary64 (21.4)
 Secondary188 (62.9)
 Higher education47 (15.7)
ASHA years of service
 ≤673 (24.4)
 >6226 (75.6)
ASHA usual working hours
 <6100 (33.4)
 694 (31.4)
 >6105 (35.1)
Proportion of ASHAs residing in the villages they worked in295 (98.7)
Proportion of ASHAs having other paid duties202 (67.6)
Proportion of ASHAs being main household earners for their families89 (29.8)
Proportion of ASHAs having an average household income of less than INR 5000 per month182 (60.9)
  • ASHA, Accredited Social Health Activist; INR, Indian rupee.