Table 4

Receptivity to and perceptions of ECD activities

A. Positive perceptions of ECDFacilitator: What did you think of these activities [suggested in the radio spot]?
P7: They’re good. We are even going to put them into practice. We say that ‘knowledge is acquired at a friend’s house!’
P4: …if you really [implement these activities], the child will succeed.
(Grandmothers, 47 years, 5 children; 56 years, 5 children; 50 years, 5 children, FGD3A)
B. Citing lived experiences and analogies to understand and validate new ECD information…for example, there are children who sleep in the dark and there are others who cannot sleep without light. It all depends on what you are used to from the first moments of your life. (Mother, 44 years, 3 children, P2:FGD1A)
It’s true because what the child learns can impact his life…we see that even in health services. Before, when you gave birth, the midwives would bring the child [and] wash him before bringing him to you. But now when you give birth, they take the child and put him on your chest. It’s because that creates connections; it’s because that actually has positive effects and it’s very important for the child beginning from his birth. So, this information [you are sharing] is true. (Mother, 38 years, 5 children, P7:FGD1A)
C. Young children’s learningYoung children ‘forget’, repetition is essentialFacilitator: Do you think that learning in the first two years of life before a child can walk or talk can have an influence later in his life?
Very small, a child learns, but not a lot. You must always remind him of things. (Grandmother, 56 years, 5 children, P6:FGD3A)
It all depends. Even very young children learn. They learn habits. (Mother, 37 years, 5 children, P1:FGD1A)
ECD activities ‘awaken’ intelligence…a child is like a peanut, if you shell it there is something inside…A child is awakened like that, you remove the outer layers to his intelligence. (Grandmother, 60 years, 5 children, P4:FGD3B)
D. Participants’ continued association of ECD aims and activities with learning through instructionSpeech/motor skillsIt’s like you said: from the time [a child] is born, you have to teach him to speak. He will continue with everything you teach him during his childhood. (Father, 46 years, 7 children, P1:FGD2A)
Household tasks…when he goes to draw water at the fountain and he brings two cans today and you show your appreciation…tomorrow he will bring three or four. He will always try harder so that you say ‘Wow! You really did it, you did well, you are strong, you do things well!’ The child will always look to do what he did well so that you always praise him, …so that you are always happy with him. (Mother, 43 years, 6 children, P5:FGD1A)
Intelligence/success at schoolFacilitator: What do you think of these suggested activities [demonstrated in the radio spot]?
R1: They’re good…[the radio actor] does [the activities] so the child’s intelligence develops.
R7: [those activities] make kids smart at school.
(Fathers, 46 years, 7 children; 48 years, 3 children, FGD2A)
  • ECD, early childhood development; FGD, focus group discussion.