Table 1

Facility readiness to care for women with PPH: staffing, case load and infrastructure by intervention and comparison districts

Readiness characteristicsBaseline
(June 2015)
P valuePostintervention
(October 2016)
P value
Intervention (n=10 districts)Comparison
(n=10 districts)
(n=10 districts)
(n=10 districts)
Number of clinicians, median (IQR)29 (16–37)22 (18–29)0.38*26 (20–45)25 (17–31)0.40*
Number of nurse-midwives, median (IQR)72 (35–120)61 (21–103)0.29*60 (55–132)75 (57–122)0.67*
Deliveries/month, median (IQR)292 (202–411)263 (198–290)0.54*361 (211–469)313 (192–405)0.82*
Facilities with PPH protocol, % (95% CI)58 (33 to 75)63 (14 to 55)0.17†88 (73 to 100)70 (47 to 92)0.37†
Facilities with oxytocin in labour ward, % (95% CI)89 (77 to 100)97 (89 to 100)0.77†98 (93 to 100)97 (89 to 100)0.68†
Facilities with blood transfusion capacity, % (95% CI)35 (16 to 53)32 (11 to 51)0.67†45 (22 to 68)43 (20 to 66)0.45†
Proportion of facilities with written referral protocol, % (95% CI)5.3 (0 to 13)8.3 (0 to 17)0.58†26 (8 to 43)28 (4 to 51)0.55†
Facilities with transport for referral, % (95% CI)44 (28 to 59)35 (13 to 56)0.39†57 (37 to 75)48 (20 to 74)0.50†
  • Blood transfusion capacity is defined by having five or more screened blood units in stock in the facility on the day of the survey. Transport for referral is defined as a working motorised vehicle with fuel and driver available on the day of the survey. Clinicians refer to medical officers, assistant medical officers and clinical officers. Nurse-midwives refer to enrolled (certificate) and registered (diploma and above) nurses and midwives. The number of clinicians and nurse-midwives is per district and includes all staff employed in the facilities rather than just in the labour ward. The readiness items were captured from two facility assessments conducted, one at baseline (May 2015) and one at end line (October 2016).

  • *P value using Mann-Whitney non-parametric test.

  • †T-test.

  • PPH, postpartum haemorrhage.