Table 1

Roles of CHWs in ear and hearing disease that have been reported in the literature or have potential (as indicated by an asterisk)

Training levelBasicIntermediateAdvanced
Screening and diagnosis.Encouraging community participation.Taking a clinical history.*
Clinical tests of hearing (whispered voice test, noisemakers for neonatal screening).
Automated audiometry (eg, PTA, OAE, ABR).
Otoscopy (store and send).
Otoscopy (diagnostic).*
Diagnostic audiometry (eg, PTA, paediatric audiological tests).
Treatment.Raising awareness.*
Preventative measures.*
Ear washout.
Antibiotic therapy.
Dry mopping of the ear.*
Fitting and maintenance of hearing aids.
  • ABR, auditory brainstem response; CHW, community health worker; OAE, otoacoustic emissions; PTA, pure tone audiometry.