Table 2

Key informants interviewed are coded by affiliation type, followed by their informant number and the region in which they are based, for example, informant number two is coded as ‘MG2EUR’

Affiliation typeRegionTotal
Europe (EUR)USA
Organisation with multigovernment membership (MG)2, 7, 13, 15, 18, 1924 7
Single government organisation (G)48, 9 3
Networking platform for One Health (N)1, 36, 14 4
University or One Health research body (U)5, 11, 20, 21, 2510, 12, 16, 22 9
Private funding body (F)23 1
For-profit company (FP)17 1
Total 15 10 25
  • Source: Authors’ tabulation of informants’ data.