Table 2

Available data elements in Service Provision Assessments (SPA) and Service Availability and Readiness Assessments (SARA) to assess WHO’s Quality of Care (QoC) Framework domains by type of service

WHO QoC FrameworkTypes of ServicesSPA/SARA
DimensionsDomainsFPANCPMTCTDeliveryNewbornData elementsConcepts
Experience of careEffective communicationΟΟKnowledgePatient experience
ΟΟAdequate explanations
Respect and dignityΟΟPrivacy
ΟΟRespectful treatment
ΟΟSatisfaction with facility infrastructure
ΟΟUser fees
Emotional supportΟΟTrust to confide in staff
(experience and provision of care)
Essential physical resourcesΟ ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Service availabilityAvailability and readiness
Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Infrastructure
Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Equipment
Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Standard precautions
Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Medicines
n/aΟ ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Diagnostics
Competent and motivated human resourcesΟ ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Staff training
Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Ο ◆Guidelines displayed
Staff motivation
Provision of careEvidence-based practices for routine care and management of complicationsΟΟCounsellingProvider practices
ΟΟHistory taking and examination
ΟΟTesting and diagnosis
Functional referral systemsΟ ◆Referral
Actionable information systemsΟΟΟΟΟSystem in placeInformation systems
Data used for decision-making
  • Presence of a circle and/or diamond denotes that SPA and/or SARA, respectively, have ≥1 question that measures ≥1 component of the QoC domain.

  • O, SPA; ◆, SARA; —, not covered by SPA or SARA; n/a, not applicable to service; ANC, antenatal care; FP, family planning; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection.