Table 1

Items used to assess intimate partner violence (IPV), perceived social support for IPV and disability status

Past-year physical and/or sexual violenceIn the past 12 months, how often has your husband slapped or thrown something at you; pushed or shoved you; hit you with his fist or something else; kicked, dragged, beaten, choked or burned you; threatened or actually used a gun, knife or other weapon against you?
In the past 12 months, how often has your husband physically forced you to have sex; made you feel afraid enough that you had sex when you did not want to; forced you to do something sexual you did not want to?
Past-year emotional violenceIn the past 12 months, how often has your husband insulted or made you feel bad about yourself; belittled or humiliated you in front of other people; done things to scare or intimidate you; threatened to hurt you or someone you care about?
Past-year economic violenceIn the past 12 months, how often has your husband prevented you from getting a job, going to work, trading/earning money; taken your earning or valuables against your will; kept money from his earnings for alcohol, tobacco or other things for himself when he knew you were having trouble affording the household expenses?
Past-year in-law violenceIn the past 12 months, has a member of your husband’s family called you names, insulted you, humiliated you or prevented you from leaving the home; hit, kicked, punched or otherwise physically hurt you?
Perceived social supportDo you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree to the following statements:
If your husband hit you or physically hurt you in any other way, a member of your own (natal) family would tell your husband to stop.
If your husband hit you or physically hurt you in any other way, a member of your husband’s family would tell your husband to stop.
Disability statusDo you have no difficulty, some difficulty, a lot of difficulty or cannot do at all the following: see, even if wearing glasses; hear; walk or climb steps; remember or concentrate; speak.