Example: 4-year-old boy known with epilepsy has had 3 fits in the last month, lasting 5 minutes each. Not fitting now. No associated illness or fever reported.
Management stepsIMCIPACK ChildComments
Prompted to integrate routine care into every visitNoRoutine care itemised in scenario 3
Check adherenceNoYes
Check side effectsNoYes
Check other medication interactionsNoYes
Review fit diary: assess triggersNoYes
Ask about mental health (behaviour)NoYes
Ask about school problemsNoYes
Check developmentNoYes
Advise the caregiverNoIncludes health education and support
Doctor review of medication:NoYes
Medication table provided
When to refer to a specialistNoYes
When to follow up routinelyNoYes
When to consider reducing treatmentNoYes