Example: 18-month-old child presents with 2-day history of diarrhoea. No danger signs. No blood or mucus. No dehydration. No feeding problem.
Management stepsIMCIPACK ChildComments
Check for danger signsYesYesThis clinical scenario aims to demonstrate that PACK Child aims to streamline the use of the guide in response to presenting symptom:
Number of pages consulted in IMCI guide to manage this case=23 pages.
Number of pages consulted in PACK Child to manage this case=8 pages
Assess level of dehydrationYesYes
Give fluid according to level of dehydrationYesYes
Advise when to return immediatelyYesYes
Zinc therapyYesYes
Follow-up of diarrhoeaYesYes
Assess and interpret growth (then check all children for malnutrition)YesYes
Assess feedingYesYes
Developmental screenYesYes
Basic examinationYesYes
Check HIV riskYesYes
Check TB riskYesYes
Check immunisation statusYesYes
Symptom screenYesYes
Assess caregiver healthYesYes
Advice for caregiver at homeYesYes
Vitamin A and deworming, if neededYesYes
Follow-up for routine child visitYesYes
Psychosocial risk (like parenting, neglect/abuse and grants)NoYes
Mental health (behaviour)NoYes