Countries | Population* | Range of T. cruzi infection prevalence† | Range of population infected | Range of women of childbearing age infected | Range of children born from T. cruzi infected women | Range of congenital cases‡ |
Argentina | 41 343 000 | 2.20%–4.13% | 909 546–1 707 466 | 200 158–375 751 | 22 894–42 894 | 1142–2145 |
Belize | 315 000 | 0.30%–0.74% | 945–2331 | 222–547 | 34–83 | 2–4 |
Bolivia | 9 947 000 | 6.10%–18.00% | 606 767–1 790 460 | 144 198–425 504 | 23 609–70 551 | 1195–3528 |
Brazil | 190 755 799 | 0.60%–1.02% | 1 144 535–1 945 709 | 284 883–484 301 | 26 622–45 257 | 1331–2263 |
Chile | 17 095 000 | 0.70%–1.00% | 119 665–170 950 | 27 088–38 697 | 2654–3792 | 133–190 |
Colombia | 45 805 000 | 0.50%–0.96% | 229 025–439 728 | 52 828–101 430 | 6864–13 179 | 343–659 |
Costa Rica | 4 516 000 | 0.17%–0.53% | 7677–23 935 | 1887–5882 | 194–606 | 10–30 |
Ecuador | 14 483 499 | 0.40%–1.74% | 57 934–252 013 | 14 134–61 485 | 1664–7238 | 83–362 |
El Salvador | 6 952 000 | 1.30%–3.70% | 90 376–257 224 | 19 472–55 420 | 2436–6932 | 122–347 |
Guatemala | 13 550 000 | 1.20%–1.98% | 162 600–268 290 | 38 058–62 796 | 8275–13 653 | 414–683 |
French Guyana, Gayana Surinam | 1 501 962 | 0.80%–1.29% | 12 016–19 375 | 2386–3848 | 67–108 | 3–5 |
Honduras | 7 989 000 | 0.92%–4.20% | 73 499–335 538 | 17 191–78 481 | 2799–12 776 | 140–639 |
Mexico | 112 468 855 | 0.78%–1.50% | 877 257–1 687 033 | 2 17 759–4 18 768 | 23 323–44 852 | 1166–2243 |
Nicaragua | 5 604 000 | 0.52%–4.60% | 29 141–257 784 | 7552–66 804 | 1096–9695 | 55–485 |
Panama | 3 557 687 | 0.01%–0.52% | 356–18 500 | 79–4089 | 10–545 | 1–27 |
Paraguay | 8 668 000 | 2.13%–5.50% | 184 628–476 740 | 32 938–85 050 | 4927–12 722 | 246–636 |
Peru | 28 948 000 | 0.44%–0.69% | 127 371–199 741 | 31 282–49 056 | 3966–6219 | 198–311 |
Uruguay | 3 301 000 | 0.24%–0.80% | 7922–26 408 | 1684–5612 | 179–595 | 9–30 |
Venezuela | 27 223 000 | 0.71%–1.16% | 193 283–315 787 | 48 532–79 292 | 6393–10 445 | 320–522 |
Latin America | 544 023 802 | 1.07%–1.45% | 5 821 055–7 888 345 | 1 404 704–1 903 571 | 157 972–214 074 | 7899–10 704 |
*Population figures per country accordingly to the U.S. Census Bureau 2010.
†Prevalence range of T. cruzi infection as described.22 27 28
‡Estimated range of congenital cases per country as reported by Howard et al.25
T. cruzi, Trypanosoma cruzi.