ItemDomain 6Domain 7Domain 8
Cumulative % of variance explained14.79521.24448.570
% of variance explained14.7956.44927.326
My patients are more likely to feel that I care about them0.873
I am less likely to get frustrated with my patients or their families0.833
I take more time to understand the needs of my patients and their families0.702
I am more aware of how the social determinants of health influence patients0.514
I am better at thinking critically0.5170.397*
I am better at providing my team with a clear direction and objectives0.811
I am better at identifying priorities and defining realistic objectives0.807
I am more likely to stand-by my decisions0.663
I am better equipped to anticipate new trends and identify long-term goals0.657
There should be more collaboration between partners0.660
There should be more opportunities to teach0.652
There should be opportunities to practise skills0.644
There should be more opportunities to provide feedback for the programme0.643
There should be more opportunities to receive feedback on individual performance0.629
There should be more contact with students0.587
There should be more contact with patients0.585
There should be stronger support before, during or after overseas visits0.542
There should be more comprehensive training before travelling overseas0.471
Overseas visits should be longer0.441
  • *Indicates where an item is found to split-loading, that the selected item will be where the factor item will be loaded onto (based on theory and literature).