Table 1

Demographic characteristics of female and male participants in Somalia

Female (n=2376)Male (n=2257)
Age (median, IQR)27(20–36)27(20–38)
Highest level of school attended
Duration in current town/city
 Less than 1 year142/23526.0110/21805.0
 Between 1 and 3 years322/235213.7327/218015.0
 Between 4 and 10 years604/235225.7476/218021.8
 Between 11 or more years461/235219.6446/218020.5
 All my life (born here)823/235235.0821/218037.7
Current employment status
 Formally employed/business owner260/228311.4655/222029.5
 Casual worker (including pastoralist, working for family business, etc.)763/228333.41542/222069.5
Each month do you have enough money to:
 Never have enough to meet the basic needs of your family during the month1275/223557.01210/195561.9
 Meet basic needs of family for less than half of the month166/22357.4111/19555.7
 Meet basic needs of family for about half of the month217/22359.7155/19557.9
 Meet basic needs of family for most but not all of the month143/22356.4119/19556.1
 Meet basic needs of family for all of the month434/223519.4360/195518.4
Current marital status
 Never married481/236020.4969/222143.6
 Married, living with someone, engaged1486/236063.01166/222152.5
 Divorced, separated, widowed393/236016.7866/22213.9
In a polygamous marriage (ref: no)510/163631.2239/116520.5
Number of other wives (median, IQR)2(2–2)2(2–3)