Table 2

Participant characteristics and pulse oximetry use among children (<15 years of age) and neonates (≤28 days of age) at 12 secondary-level hospitals in south-west Nigeria (January 2014–April 2017)

PreinterventionPulse oximetryFull oxygen system
January 2014–October 2015November 2015–stepStep–April 2017
Participant characteristics
Total admissions23 40188566268
 Neonate (%)8799 (37.6)2681 (30.3)2260 (36.1)
 Infant (%)4418 (18.9)1887 (21.3)1124 (17.9)
 Young child (%)7704 (32.9)3068 (34.6)1952 (31.1)
 Older child (%)2480 (10.6)1220 (13.8)932 (14.9)
Sex, female:male (% female)10 313:13 246 (43.8)3804:5039 (43.0)2804:3459 (44.8)
 Neonate3842:4866 (44.1)1162:1508 (43.5)977:1280 (43.3)
 Infant1911:2495 (43.4)812:1074 (43.1)536:588 (47.7)
 Young child3319:4359 (43.2)1288:1779 (42.0)878:1070 (45.1)
 Older child1124:1355 (45.3)541:678 (44.4)413:519 (44.3)
Median length of stay, days (IQR)4 (2–6)4 (2–6)4 (2–7)
 Neonate4 (2–8)5 (3–7)5 (3–9)
 Infant4 (2–6)4 (2–5)4 (2–7)
 Young child3 (2–5)3 (2–5)3 (2–6)
 Older child4 (2–6)3 (2–5)4 (2–7)
Diagnosis, neonate (%)
 Neonatal sepsis3921 (45.8)1547 (58.1)1075 (48.0)
 Birth asphyxia3444 (40.3)955 (35.9)884 (39.5)
 Jaundice2002 (23.4)723 (27.2)459 (20.5)
 RDS/aspiration277 (3.2)101 (3.8)53 (2.4)
 Small/preterm1458 (20.1)524 (22.3)423 (21.0)
 Preterm1286 (21.6)489 (23.5)388 (22.1)
 Small (<2000 g)814 (13.8)255 (13.2)231 (14.2)
 LBW (1500–2000 g)530 (9.0)161 (8.3)136 (8.3)
 VLBW (1000–1500 g)234 (4.0)72 (3.7)70 (4.3)
 ELBW (<1000 g)50 (0.9)22 (1.1)25 (1.5)
Diagnosis, child (%)
 Malaria5146 (41.3)2242 (36.9)1515 (37.8)
 Sepsis4062 (29.7)2212 (36.0)1153 (29.1)
 Diarrhoea1719 (13.8)920 (15.1)478 (11.9)
 Pneumonia1855 (14.9)734 (12.1)539 (13.5)
 Malnutrition210 (8.4)129 (9.9)92 (10.1)
 HIV/AIDS18 (0.1)8 (0.1)4 (0.1)
Pulse oximetry use
SpO2 documented on admission (%)704 (3.0)5868 (66.3)5946 (94.8)
 Neonate (%)218 (2.5)1829 (68.2)2122 (93.9)
 Infant (%)104 (2.4)1172 (62.1)1075 (95.6)
 Young child (%)273 (3.5)1962 (64.0)1853 (94.9)
 Older child (%)104 (4.2)905 (74.2)894 (95.9)
  • Notes: Neonate ≤28 days, infant 29 days−11 months, young child 1–4 years, older child 5–14 years. Neonatal diagnoses based on recorded admission diagnosis and recorded admission weight and gestational age. Child diagnoses based on case definition, except for sepsis and HIV/AIDS (recorded admission diagnosis).

  • Step=hospitals were randomised to receive the full intervention beginning at one of four stepped time points (March 2016, July 2016, November 2016, March 2017).

  • ELBW, extremely low birth weight (<1000 grams); LBW, low birth weight (1500 to 1999 grams); RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; SpO2, oxygen saturation; VLBW, very low birth weight (1000 to 1499 grams).