Table 1

Cost breakdown of MomConnect infrastructure, storage and inventory

SectionType of costComments
System development and maintenance
Mobile phone interface set-upxRequires a WASP to send and receive data from the mobile phones to the scheduling platform. Users dial a toll-free number to receive and enter data via USSD, similar to processes like loading airtime. Users register at a facility to receive the full message set
Scheduling database set-upxDetermines sets of messages to send to each user based on predefined parameters. Requires stable internet connectivity
Scheduling database maintainedxCapacity to adapt as parameters are changed
Interoperability layer builtxBuilt in redundancy to avoid data loss due to any interruption in connectivity or service from source systems
Interoperability layer maintainedxRoutine maintenance assisted by inbuilt alerts
DHIS2 instance set-upxData storage and reporting mechanism set-up
DHIS2 instance maintainedxRoutine maintenance assisted by inbuilt alerts
HelpDesk set-upxMigrated to Unicef’s CasePro for greater functionality
HelpDesk maintenancexCosts associated with ongoing maintenance of HelpDesk, mainly HR costs
USSD registrations of usersxA reverse-billed system means it is free to the end user. USSD engagement costs are subsidised by all four mobile network operators in South Africa. However, exact costs cannot be preset without potentially limiting the number of users who can be registered on the service
SMS (text messages) sent to userxA reverse-billed system means it is free to the end user. SMS engagement costs are subsidised by all four mobile network operators in South Africa. However, exact costs cannot be preset without potentially limiting the number of users who can be sent messages
Service awareness campaignxPeriodic campaigns required for user awareness of service options
Training of healthcare workers on servicexxEnsure healthcare workers are aware of the service and can register users
HelpDesk staffingxProvide appropriate staff to respond to HelpDesk complaints, compliments and requests
  • DHIS2, District Health Information System, version 2; SMS, short message service; USSD, Unstructured Supplementary Service Data; WASP, Wireless Application Service Provider or Aggregator.