Table 4

Performance of SIDS across systems required for UHC

SIDS by WHO regionsIndicators
A strong, efficient, well-run health systemA system for financing health servicesAccess to essential medicines and technologiesA sufficient capacity of well-trained, motivated health workers
Births attended by skilled health personnel* (%)Antenatal care coverage at least one visit* (%)†Health expenditure public (as a % of THE)†OOP health expenditure (as a % of THE)†Density of hospitals per 100 000 population*Density of CT units per million population*Number of physicians per 10 000 population*Number of nursing and midwifery personnel per 10 000 population*
WPRO*(regional average)969563.515.526.2
  Marshall Islands909284.2511.843.8194.417.4
PAHO*(regional average)969649.021.544.9
AFRO*(regional average)517750.
 Cape Verde999174.9223.15123.15.6
 Sao Tome and Principe819836.5849.5
SEAR*(regional average)687737.95.915.3
  • *WHO (2016).32

  • †WB (2016).30

  • ‡Calculated from national statistics as WHO figure was 0.0.

  • AFRO, regional office for Africa; OOP, out-of-pocket expenditure; PAHO, Pan American Health Organisation; SIDS, small island developing states; THE, total health expenditure; UHC, universal health coverage; WPRO, regional office for the Western Pacific .