Table 3

Ebola-related knowledge, behavioural intentions and practices, National Ebola KAP survey, Sierra Leone, August 2014 (n=1413)*

Indicator%95% CI
A—Knowledge of Ebola prevention and treatment
 Ebola can be prevented by avoiding contact with blood and body fluids8785.3 to 88.8
 Ebola can be prevented by avoiding funeral/burial involving contact with corpse8582.8 to 86.6
 Ebola can be prevented by not touching anyone else8381.2 to 85.1
 Early treatment increases chance of surviving Ebola9189.5 to 92.5
 Early treatment reduces further Ebola spread within household9189.4 to 92.4
B—Misconceptions of Ebola transmission, prevention and treatment
 Ebola can be prevented by bathing with salt and hot water4138.7 to 43.9
 Ebola can be transmitted through the air3027.7 to 32.6
 Ebola can transmitted by mosquito bites3027.3 to 32.1
 Ebola can be treated successfully by spiritual healers1916.7 to 20.8
 Ebola can be treated successfully by traditional healers54.3 to 6.6
C—Perceptions of health facilities†
 Health facility will take care of sick person6057.4 to 62.5
 Health facility will definitely cure sick person from Ebola4138.1 to 43.2
 Health facility won’t be able to do anything for sick person64.4 to 6.8
 Health facility will find way to kill sick person65.1 to 7.7
D—Perceptions of Ebola treatment centres (ETCs) and quarantine measures
 Persons diagnosed with Ebola must be admitted in ETCs9594.1 to 96.3
 Direct contacts of patient diagnosed with Ebola must be quarantined for 3 weeks9088.4 to 91.6
E—Health-seeking behavioural intentions
 Would go to health facility if Ebola suspected9492.1 to 94.6
 Would go to health facility if had a high fever8784.8 to 88.4
F—Behavioural intentions if family member suspected of Ebola‡
 Call the hospital/Ebola hotline7168.8 to 73.5
 Take the person to the hospital2724.7 to 29.3
 Avoid all physical contact and bodily fluids of that person1513.5 to 17.3
 Help care for the person at home10.4 to 1.3
G—Self-reported prevention practices§
 Reported taking some action to avoid Ebola infection9694.3 to 96.4
 Wash hands with soap and water6663.6 to 68.6
 Avoid physical contact with everyone4743.9 to 49.2
 Avoid physical contact with people suspected of Ebola4037.4 to 42.5
 Avoid crowded places3734.7 to 39.7
  • *Item-specific sample sizes varied slightly with <5% missing for any item.

  • †Unprompted/open-ended/multiple selection item.

  • ‡Unprompted/open-ended/multiple selection item.

  • §Unprompted/open-ended/multiple selection item.

  • KAP, knowledge, attitudes and practices.