Table 1

Global targets for reductions in risk factors for NCDs

Comprehensive global monitoring framework, including nine voluntary global targets for prevention and control of NCDs (WHO)Overall target
  • By 2025, a 25% relative reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases in persons aged 30–70 years.

Eight supporting targets
  • 10% relative reduction in the harmful use of alcohol;

  • 10% relative reduction in the prevalence of physical inactivity;

  • 30% relative reduction in mean average population salt intake;

  • 30% relative reduction in the prevalence of tobacco use (persons 15+ years);

  • 25% relative reduction in raised blood pressure;

  • 0% increase in diabetes and obesity;

  • 50% coverage for drug therapy and counselling for those at risk of cardiovascular disease;

  • 80% coverage of affordable technologies and essential medicines for treating NCDs in both public and private facilities.

Sustainable Development Goals: target 3.4 (United Nations General Assembly)By 2030, reduce by one-third premature mortality from NCDs through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being.
  • NCD, non-communicable diseases.