Table 2

Fraction of providers who asked or performed key diagnostic questions and examinations, diagnosis and treatment and average competence score

All providersMBBS [1]BA/H/U/MS [2]Other [3]DIFF 1–2DIFF 1–3
Questions and examinations
 Since when has he had the fever48.9 (43.8 to 53.9)51.4 (32.7 to 70.1)47.8 (33.1 to 62.5)48.7 (42.7 to 54.7)3.62.7
 Fever with chills31.4 (26.8 to 36.2)31.4 (16 to 46.9)32.6 (18.6 to 46.6)31.2 (25.5 to 37.0)−1.20.2
 Is fever continuous33.4 (28.8 to 38.3)34.3 (16.5 to 52.1)39.1 (23.5 to 54.8)32.5 (26.8 to 38.2)−4.81.8
 Are there any night sweats present6.1 (3.9 to 8.9)11.4 (2.2 to 20.6)6.5 (−0.5 to 13.6)5.4 (2.9 to 7.9)4.96.0
 Cough since when32.2 (27.6 to 37)37.1 (22.7 to 51.5)37.0 (20 to 53.9)30.9 (24.9 to 36.9)0.26.3
 Pain in the chest13.7 (10.4 to 17.5)20.0 (5.1 to 34.9)21.7 (9.5 to 34)11.8 (8.2 to 15.4)−1.78.2
 Is there sputum24.6 (20.4 to 29.1)34.3 (20.2 to 48.4)23.9 (10.4 to 37.4)23.6 (19.0 to 28.2)10.410.7
 How is the sputum24.6 (20.4 to 29.1)37.1 (20 to 54.3)23.9 (9.7 to 38.1)23.2 (18.8 to 27.7)13.213.9
 Blood in the sputum11.1 (8.2 to 14.7)14.3 (0.7 to 27.9)13.0 (3.3 to 22.8)10.5 (7.3 to 13.7)1.23.8
 How much blood in the sputum10.9 (8.0 to 14.4)8.6 (−0.4 to 17.6)10.9 (1.4 to 20.3)11.1 (7.4 to 14.8)−2.3−2.6
 Have you been eating less13.2 (10 to 16.9)28.6 (12.3 to 44.8)23.9 (10.8 to 37.1)9.9 (6.3 to 13.4)4.718.7**
 Have you visited other doctors before coming here15.9 (12.5 to 19.9)20.0 (4.2 to 35.8)8.7 (0.2 to 17.2)16.6 (11.7 to 21.4)11.33.4
 Weight10.6 (7.8 to 14.1)25.7 (8.5 to 43)13.0 (2.8 to 23.3)8.6 (5.2 to 12.0)12.717.1*
 Temperature16.7 (13.2 to 20.8)20.0 (7.1 to 32.9)13.0 (3.0 to 23.1)16.9 (11.8 to 22.0)7.03.1
 Blood for tlc/dlc32.4 (27.8 to 37.3)45.7 (27.3 to 64.1)28.3 (14.8 to 41.7)31.5 (25.2 to 37.8)17.514.2
 Blood test hb15.9 (12.5 to 19.9)34.3 (18.5 to 50)10.9 (1.2 to 20.5)14.6 (10.0 to 19.3)23.4**19.6**
 Blood for fasting ESR (erythrocytic sedimentation rate)32.4 (27.8 to 37.3)37.1 (20.3 to 54)26.1 (12.6 to 39.6)32.8 (26.1 to 39.5)11.14.3
 Mantaux tuberculin skin test12.7 (9.5 to 16.3)17.1 (3.5 to 30.8)13.0 (2.8 to 23.3)12.1 (8.4 to 15.8)4.15.0
 Sputum for AFB (acid-fast bacilli)20.0 (16.2 to 24.3)54.3 (35.6 to 73)15.2 (4.5 to 26.0)16.9 (12.4 to 21.3)39.1***37.4***
 Chest X-ray31.9 (27.3 to 36.7)57.1 (38.2 to 76.1)28.3 (13.6 to 42.9)29.6 (23.9 to 35.3)28.9**27.5***
 TB test2.3 (1.0 to 4.3)2.9 (−2.8 to 8.5)4.3 (−1.7 to 10.4)1.9 (0.4 to 3.4)−1.51.0
 Gave any diagnosis92.4 (89.3 to 94.8)97.1 (91.3 to 103)95.7 (89.4 to 101.9)91.4 (88.3 to 94.5)1.55.7*
 Correct diagnosis60.0 (55.0 to 64.9)91.4 (81.8 to 101)73.9 (60.8 to 87)54.5 (48.8 to 60.1)17.5**37.0***
 Correct diagnosis, if any64.9 (59.8 to 69.8)94.1 (86.1 to 102.2)77.3 (64.4 to 90.2)59.6 (53.6 to 65.6)16.8**34.5***
 Gave any treatment66.6 (61.7 to 71.2)82.9 (71.0 to 94.8)80.4 (68.1 to 92.8)62.7 (57.2 to 68.3)2.420.1***
 Correct treatment14.4 (11.1 to 18.3)45.7 (26.0 to 65.4)19.6 (8.6 to 30.6)10.2 (6.8 to 13.6)26.2**35.5***
 Correct treatment, if any21.7 (16.8 to 27.1)55.2 (33.4 to 76.9)24.3 (11.2 to 37.5)16.2 (11.1 to 21.4)30.9**38.9***
 Recommend referral48.9 (43.8 to 53.9)77.1 (63.3 to 91.0)63.0 (48.8 to 77.3)43.6 (37.4 to 49.9)14.133.5***
 Knowledge score−1.0 (−1.2 to −0.73)0.0 (−0.6 to 0.6)−1.3 (−2.1 to −0.45)−1.0 (−1.3 to −0.7)1.3**1.0***
  • Values are percentage except for the competence score variable. Source: Vignette survey. Observations from 395 providers. CIs reported in parentheses.

  • Asterisks represent statistically significant differences, with ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1.