Table 4

Monitoring the implications of health policy changes in Kazakhstan based on the WHO health system framework: a summary of available data and suggestions for the health-related 2020 Strategic Development Goals

Measurement aspectAvailable dataComments based on the available evidence
 Willingness for reform (eg, availability of laws, policy documents)Salamatty Kazakhstan (2011–2015); Kazakhstan Social Development Concept of 24 April 2014 (Resolution №396); Presidential address from 17 January 2014There is no clear consensus on the appropriate values for these indicators in any given health system.
Should not be included
 Trust in government institutions (general/health)Survey data needed
 Public expenditure tracking (PETS) in placeNo PETS study carried out so farTo be carried out in order to assess flow of funds
 Per cent of budget with defined responsibility central/local levelOverall: 62.9% central level, 37.1% oblast level (2013 NHA by MHSD and RCHD)No added policy value
 % admin cost of total government health spendingNot availableHelpful indicator, administration cost need to be estimated
 Corruption Perception Index (general/health-specific)General: Transparency International 2013: 26 of 100 points, rank no. 140 worldwide. Health: Corruption Perception Index, some older data available37 38Rather general; not helpful for policy assessment
 Use of one purchaser or manyTwo purchasers: MHSD and oblast health authoritiesA political one-off decision; no need to measure
 Total expenditure on healthAs share of GDP: 4.2% (2012)*; 3.5% (2011), 3.8% (2012), 3.5% (2013)—NHA by MHSD and RCHDTo be included; specific target needs to be set
 GGHE as a proportion of GGEGGHE/GGE: 10.9 (2012)*; GGHE as % of GGE 12.1% (2011), 12.3% (2012), 11.6% (2013) –NHA by MHSD and RCHDTo be included; specific target needs to be set
 The ratio of household OOP payments for health to total expenditure on healthOOP as share of THE: 41.7%(2012)* 28.2% (2011), 30.2% (2012), 32.7% (2013) –NHA by MHSD and RCHDTo be included; specific target needs to be set
Health Workforce
 Health workers/100 000 populationPhysicians: 349.5; Dentists: 41.2; Pharmacists: 80.6; Nurses: 804.5; Midwives: 57.73 (2012)†To be included; specific targets need to be set
 Distribution of health workers by occupation/specialisation, regionGPs: 31/100‘000 (2011 WHO HFA-DB)Data available from some oblasts (regions); collection and publishing of this data should be consolidated. To be included, specific targets need to be set
 Graduates of health professions institutions/ 100 000 population (level/field of education)Physicians graduated/100 000: 21.86 (2010)†Quantity is not a key concern; more important is quality, thus not included
Health Information Systems
 Health information system performance indexNot availableThe WHO recommends compiling the index based on:
  1. Health surveys

  2. Birth/death registration

  3. Census

  4. Health facility reporting

  5. Health resource tracking

  6. Capacity for analysis

To be included; specific targets need to be set
Service delivery
 General Service readiness score for health facilitiesCountrywide assessment has been initiated but results are not yet availableThe WHO recommends Health Facility Assessment, including:
  1. Basic amenities

  2. Basic equipment

  3. Standard precautions for infections prevention

  4. Laboratory

  5. Medicines and commodities

To be included; specific target needs to be set
 Proportion of health facilities offering specific services(/10 000 population)ditto
 Specific-services readiness score for health facilitiesditto
Service quality
 Accreditation and external quality managementFor providing the SGBP, a health facility must pass accreditation. Accreditation by the Committee for Control of Pharmaceutical and Medical Activities (MHSD), recognised by ISQua Standards for FacilitiesTo be included; specific target needs to be set
 Involving public/private providersAt present, limited involvement of private providers via state budget; 811 public and 428 private providersUnspecific indicator; no optimal level defined
 Personnel (qualification, number); staffing index/ratio; competency indexCountrywide assessment has been initiated but results are not yet availableIn principle, helpful to monitor availability and quality of staff
 Use of specific preventive measuresData currently not availableAlready included
 Benefit catalogue (needs, economic evaluation)State-guaranteed benefit package (SGBP) very comprehensive, but not yet evaluatedNo need for monitoring
 Support value (% of total cost paid)Not applicableRelevant intermediate indicator, especially with the planned SHI (financial protection)
 Benefit Incidence Analysis (BIA)Household survey has been conducted, but so far not fully analysedTo be included; specific target needs to be set
 Accessibility (e.g. geographical; no. of providers; time to get to a provider for Caesarean section)Household survey has been conducted, but so far not fully analysedRelevant intermediate indicator for planning
Access to essential medicines
 Average availability of selected essential medicines in public and private health facilitiesMedian availability (private): 70%
Median availability (public): 0% (2004)*
10-year-old data for drug prices and availability; a new survey is required to determine whether performance is still this poor.
To be included; specific target needs to be set
 Median consumer price ratio of selected essential medicines in public and private facilitiesPrice ratio (private): 3.73
Price ratio (public): 4.84 (2004)*
Health level
 Risk factor prevalenceTo be included; specific target needs to be set
 Average life expectancy69.6 years39Already included
 Maternal mortality26/100 000 live-births39Already included
 Infant mortality14.6/1000 live-births39Already included
 Overall mortalityAnalysis for different ethnicities40 41, regions42 and age groups43 available.
Already included
 Decrease in specific morbidity, eg, TB, HIV/AIDSAvailable from the WHO‡ Already included
Financial protection and equity
 Impoverishment rate due to healthcare expendituresHousehold survey has been conducted, but so far not fully analysedStratified by wealth quintile, place of residence and gender
To be included; specific target needs to be set
 Kakwani indexData available for calculationNone
 Customer Satisfaction Rating (facility)Household survey has been conducted, but so far not fully analysedTo be included; specific target needs to be set
 Overall satisfaction with health servicesHousehold survey has been conducted, but so far not fully analysedTo be included; specific target needs to be set. Data from 2001 and 2010 available44