
183 e-Letters

  • Co-linearity between pre-symptomatic and post-symptomatic mask wearing

    The effectiveness of masks in the household is a critically important topic for control of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. I am concerned the multivariate regression performed in this analysis incorrectly attributed all of the effect of post-symptomatic mask-wearing to the pre-symptomatic mask-wearing variable. It is highly likely that these 2 variables are highly co-linear, and looking at Table 2, it appears likely that those families that wore masks pre-symptoms (n=27 without transmission, n=4 with transmission) were largely the same families where all members of the household wore masks post-symptoms (n=31 without transmission, n=5 with transmission). It's likely there are not enough numbers to further disentangle whether pre-symptom or post-symptom mask-wearing truly was the benefit - most likely it's some of both.

    The message that post-symptomatic mask-wearing has no effect appears to lack sufficient support, so I would caution anyone jumping to use that conclusion here.

  • COVID-19, NCDs and emergency care: a plea from Africa's front-lines

    The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the world by storm, Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LMICs) not withstanding. Cabore et al modelled best estimates for peak prevalence of the virus on the African continent to be projected at more than 37 million symptomatic cases, requiring 4.6 million hospitaliations. Current estimates by Africa CDC show over 1 million cases as of August 6th, 2020, and more than 22,000 deaths [1]. South Africa has the highest prevalence with more than half a million reported cases, followed by Egypt and Nigeria, respectively. While the actual incidence and mortality rates may be evasive given limited access to testing globally [2], it is clear that the disease has not been forgiving on African soil either.

    Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) constitute the backdrop for worse outcomes among those infected with COVID-19 [3], and those with poorer access to care fare worse. While NCDs have gained increasing attention in the last decade, the current pandemic illuminates the alarming gap in data on the double burden of disease that is threatened by a continued lag in focus on NCDs – an improved understanding of which would have been critical in effectively addressing our current plight.

    A prime example of this is in the case of research addressing NCDs in the emergency care setting, an area of research in global health that is virtually non-existent in many resource-variable settings like Kenya, which has the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Ea...

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  • Equity and Access to Global Health Education: Focusing on the Fundamental Problem

    Svadzian et al. [1] noted that most universities in high-income countries (HICs) demand higher tuition fees from low- and middle-income country (LMIC) students for masters-level global health degrees – a problem potentially further exacerbated by COVID-19, with many HIC universities increasing international tuition fees to make up a resultant funding deficit. [2] While the paper only focuses on masters-level global health degrees, it should be noted that some HIC universities, such as York University in Toronto, have long-standing undergraduate-level global health degree programs. Taking significantly longer to complete than masters degrees, these problems are felt to a greater extent for LMIC students who want to study global health as their first degree.

    The fundamental premise in their paper is that if HIC universities were serious about equity then they would be offering lower tuition fees (and scholarships to support living/travel costs) to students from LMICs. This presumes that merely lowering tuition or offering more scholarships would eliminate the primary access barrier for LMIC students, especially those from less privileged backgrounds. Unfortunately, this is sadly not the case. Even students with tuition waivers/scholarships can have difficulty obtaining visas to study at HIC universities.

    Student visas are a regressive tax on LMIC [3] – the requirements to obtain numerous documents that require certification, additional fee payments to an HIC-af...

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  • Socioeconomic Inequalities in Neglected Tropical Diseases

    Dear Editor,

    It is with great interest that I read the original research by Lobkowicz et al, ascertaining that coinfections do not strongly influence clinical manifestations of uncomplicated ZIKV infections [1]. With this interesting finding in mind, it is important to remember that Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) exist and persist for social and economic reasons that enable the vectors and pathogens to take advantage of changes in the behavioural and physical environment [2]. More than 70% of countries and territories affected by NTDs are low-income and low and middle income countries [2]. Thus, there are extreme inequalities with regards to disease distribution. People are affected by NTDs because of an array of social determinants. It is plausible that these social determinants may allow for coinfections of Zika (ZIKV), dengue virus (DENV) and chikungunya (CHIKV).

    Social Determinants of Health (SDH) are the conditions in which individuals are born, grow, work, live and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life [3]. SDH encompass socioeconomic factors, environmental factors and biological factors. These factors play a fundamental role in the proliferation of vector-borne diseases such as ZIKV, DENV and CHIKV. The relationship between the vector and SDH is complex, yet it is extremely important to recognise in order to evaluate the impact of socioeconomic factors on infectious diseases.

    There are major ineq...

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  • Healthcare evidence from conflict settings

    To the Editor;
    Three articles(1,2,3) appeared on the latest special issue of the journal reviewed the medical care in humanitarian emergencies and pointed out significant gap existed in knowledge especially women and children. Two of them(1,3) showed the number of articles published annually. One of them (1) limited the article search year within 5 years so that they can separate emergency from the issues related to chronic poverty and development.
    We examined the correlation between the number of healthcare articles and Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) in Afghanistan through the PubMed database between 1980 and 2015, from the first Soviet war until the peak of ODA to the country in 2015. Afghanistan is unique since it has been one of the sustained emergencies (4).
    The PubMed database was searched using the key words “Afghan” or “Afghanistan,” and the search was limited to English literature published between 1980 and 2015. Since Afghan or Afghanistan is a distinctive term for a literature search, it was assumed that it could identify specific articles to the area. 4669 articles were identified on the initial search (3/11/15); both authors individually verified the articles, 4380 of them were selected for analysis after 289 articles were eliminated as ineligible. The ineligibility was mostly due to veterinary medicine articles, genome research, or Afghan as an author’s name, and other articles inadvertently selected in the search process.
    The t...

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  • YouTube as a source of information

    This research would be more useful if we were given the raw data containing each misleading publication with precise references to why each misleads. Instead, we obtain a summary of the most inflammatory and outlying presentations, as if those represent the majority. Some of the videos are merely observations by professionals practicing in the field. One of the inflammatory examples about the Italian and Iranian strains stands out. Only last week Governor Cuomo said New York was afflicted by a European strain. Where were the critics calling him out?

  • Institutional misinformation in the time of Covid-19: the case of Italy

    Li et al.[1] analyzed misinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic generated by social media, as well as that from traditional means of communication.[2] We focus here on a further, more insidious form of misinformation: that generated by institutions, by paradigmatically analyzing the case of Italy.
    It was well known on January 31, 2020 that Covid-19 had the potential to become pandemic and detailed measures for adoption by health authorities to combat the disease had already been indicated.[3] On the same day, the Italian government declared a state of emergency.[4] However, while neglecting scientific data [3] and in contrast to the seriousness of the decision,[4] institutional figures (government officials and health authorities), reassured the population through statements in the media that the situation was under control even when the virus had demonstrated its contagiousness and lethality. For weeks prior to the outbreak in Lombardy, the population was told that COVID-19 was little more than a flu. Authorities reassured the population that the measures being adopted to prevent/limit the epidemic were the most stringent in Europe. On February 26th, with 330 infected individuals and 11 dead, the Italian Prime Minister declared that the number of infections should not cause alarm. In the coming days, citizens became aware of the magnitude of the outbreak and found themselves psychologically/materially unprepared, in a stupor in the face of the collapse of the Lomb...

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  • On Warlord Discourses – an Inclusive Storytelling is Needed for COVID-19 Response.

    I thank both Rajan et al. and Bali et al. for highlighting a lack of inclusivity in the governance of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) response.1,2 While the pandemic raises societal concerns, decision-making bodies remain unrepresentative of civil society and suffer from a dearth of diversity – with, for instance, an underrepresentation of women’s perspectives.1,2 I would add that inclusivity may have been thus far derogated by the popular discourse of some traditional, paternalistic leadership – namely, that which is conveyed through wordings worthy of warlords.

    “We are at war”, as declared the Director-General of the World Health Organization, before exhorting G20 leaders to “fight like hell” and calling for “aggressive action” to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.3 This rhetoric of war echoes that of some men country leaders and scientists, pressing authorities for immediate action. Yet, as metaphors frame the way people act,4 triggering civil and societal responsiveness should instead begin with wordings of compassion, cooperation and emancipation.

    First, the rhetoric of war may monopolize the public attention to a unique, imminent goal: mustering all forces to defeat and annihilate an enemy (here, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2) – any other objectives being put aside as under war economy. This imposed monopoly may contrast with population concerns: Do we – civil society – strive merely to exterminate SARS-CoV-2, or rathe...

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  • Management of bodies of deceased persons with COVID-19

    The report on "Safe management of bodies of deceased persons with suspected or confirmed COVID-19: a rapid systematic review" is intetresting [1]. Yaacoub et al. concluded that "there is a need for contextual evidence in relation to these proposed management strategies (ie, acceptability, feasibility, impact on equity, resources considerations) [1]". Indeed, the safety issue on practicing with death body during COVID-19 pandemic is interesting but little mentioned. The evidences on possibility of disease transmission from corpse to a living person is not available. Although there is a report on infection in a medical worker who has an occupational job relating to corpse, there is still no scientific confirmation by molecular diagnostic test to confirm that there is a spreading of disease from dead body [2 - 3]. It is apparently that there are attempts for control of possible disease spreading by any settings but the important question is ont he efficacy of rpreventive methods. A simple question is whether we require a routine screening for COVID-19 pathogen in all dead bodies in the present COVID-19. crisis.

    Conflict of inteterest

    1. Yaacoub S, Schünemann HJ, Khabsa J, El-Harakeh A, Khamis AM, Chamseddine F, El Khoury R, Saad Z, Hneiny L, Cuello Garcia C, Muti-Schünemann GEU, Bognanni A, Chen C, Chen G, Zhang Y, Zhao H, Abi Hanna P, Loeb M, Piggott T, Reinap M, Rizk N, Stalteri R, Duda S, Solo K, Chu DK, Akl E...

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  • Integrating tech solutions into traditional gender-based violence programs

    Dear Editor,

    We were pleased to read the review by Eisenhut K, Sauerborn E, García-Moreno C, et al. and appreciated their insights on the landscape of mobile apps addressing violence against women.

    We read with great interest the authors’ observation that “collaborations between mHealth and ‘traditional’ approaches should be actively sought, subordinating the technology to the overall aims of preventing violence against women and mitigating its impacts.” In that spirit, we would like to highlight Physicians for Human Rights’ (PHR) experience implementing a “tech” solution within a larger “low-tech” programmatic ecosystem to address violence against women (VAW).

    The Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones at Physicians for Human Rights works with medical, legal, and law enforcement partners in Central and East Africa to address impunity for sexual violence in conflict. Since 2011, we and our partners have trained more than 2,000 professionals in the collection, documentation, and use of court-admissible forensic evidence of sexual violence. As part of this initiative, PHR developed MediCapt, an award-winning mobile application, which standardizes and digitizes the collection of forensic documentation of medical evidence of sexual violence and combines it with a mobile camera to capture and securely store forensic photographic evidence of injuries. MediCapt was “co-designed” with clinician-partners in Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo a...

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