Our study demonstrates that forage fish, if widely adopted for direct human consumption, would potentially offer substantial public health benefits, particularly in terms of reducing the occurrence of IHD. Although forage fish are not sufficient to replace all red meat, forage fish alone may increase the daily per capita consumption of fish to close to the recommended level of 40 kcal31 in most countries (figure 1B), as well as reduce total deaths from the four diseases by 2% by 2050. Of the four meat substitution scenarios, scenario I had the lowest number of avoided deaths, not only because the substitution occurred in different regions and to a different extent than the other three scenarios, but also because not all forage fish catches were consumed by these coastal countries. For example, in Chile, 46% of the forage fish caught was sufficient to replace 90% of the red meat in the diet, leaving 54% of the forage fish uncaught. Our results suggest that allocating all forage fish to regions where fish consumption is below the recommended value (mainly in LMICs) may reduce the global burden of disease more effectively.
The major burden (80%) of NCDs is concentrated in LMICs, particularly in Africa, which is currently experiencing an epidemic of NCDs on an alarming scale.42 One response to this issue has been the call to move to a healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet, in which the preferred animal protein is fish.43 However, lower incomes44 45 and inefficient use of food resources,46 among other reasons, contribute to the low per capita consumption of fish in LMICs (online supplemental figure 2). In this study, we showed that replacing red meat with affordable forage fish allows countries (mainly in LMICs) with the lowest fish consumption to have the greatest health (ie, scenario III) (figures 2 and 4), contributing substantially to reducing the burden of disease in LMICs. Therefore, to maximise the potential of forage fish, trade policies should be implemented to ensure that populations with higher NCD burdens and insufficient DHA+EPA intake have access to forage fish.12 For coastal countries, an agenda for nutrition-sensitive governance of fisheries in the Global South based on prioritising domestic and local needs is proposed46 47 to promote the consumption of forage fish, thus demonstrating the contribution of forage fish to global health. For landlocked countries without direct access to seafood, such as Mongolia, Turkmenistan, and other African countries, global marketing and trade in forage fish need to be expanded.14 In addition, freshwater forage fish, although not analysed in this study, is also of high nutritional value, and increasing children’s and malnourished populations’ access to it could contribute to improving global health.48
Our health assessment framework is in line with existing analyses, but for risk factors, we used DHA+EPA rather than fish. Many studies have used a nonlinear relationship (a restricted cubic spline model) between fish intake and IHD mortality49 to calculate the relative risk of fish intake on IHD, with no further reduction in IHD mortality above 50 g/day of fish intake.33 However, such an approach leaves the relationship between DHA+EPA intake and IHD unclear because of the diversity of fish species in terms of DHA+EPA concentrations46 and, thereby, obscures the health contribution of fish with high DHA+EPA concentrations. By treating fish as a single food commodity without considering differences in DHA+EPA content between species, Springmann et al.,
50 estimated that increased fish intake would contribute less than 1% to premature mortality in 2030 with a pescatarian diet (two-thirds of meat is replaced by fish). Our study suggests that if fish that are high in DHA+EPA, such as forage fish, are consumed in larger proportions, then the contribution of fish might have been underestimated in previous studies.
Apart from the positive effects, there are also negative effects associated with fish consumption, as fish also contain harmful chemicals such as methylmercury (MeHg) and dioxin-like-polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) that can cause health hazards (eg, chloracne and impaired neurological development).51 The negative effects of forage fish consumption were not investigated in this study and are mainly attributed to two reasons. One reason is that there is a lack of studies exploring the possible relationship between MeHg exposure and the risk of the four diseases described here.52 However, although MeHg concentrations in forage fish (2–110 µg/kg)53 54 are higher than those in the same wet weight of red meat (0.6–5.6 µg/kg),55 they are well below the recommended safe intake limit (500 µg/kg).54 For example, based on a risk-benefit analysis, Thomsen et al.,
9 suggested that pregnant women should consume fewer large predatory fish with high mercury content, such as tuna and swordfish, but no less than 200–350 g of forage fish per week to gain greater health benefits. Another reason is that accurately estimating the concentration of dl-PCBs in forage fish is challenging because it is influenced by geographical origin; dl-PCB concentrations of the same species can vary several-fold based on geographical location.51 56 Nevertheless, red meat, particularly ruminant meat, contains much higher levels of dl-PCBs than forage fish.51 57 Therefore, in terms of the health hazards caused by dl-PCBs, replacing red meat with forage fish would at least offset the other’s negative effects. Recent studies on the health effects of replacing red meat with forage fish in the Danish diet have shown that the negative effects of forage fish are almost negligible compared with the positive effects of such a substitution.9 Fish-based food policy guidelines should focus on the composition of future fish intake and provide safe intake ranges for different fish species, especially for pregnant women and children. This study could inform decision makers regarding the health consequences of policy options on forage fish consumption and trade.
Despite the theoretical potential of forage fish, several barriers such as fish meal and oil processing, overfishing, climate change, and cultural acceptance may prevent the health benefits of forage fish from being realised. The conversion of forage fish to human food may reduce aquaculture production. However, recent research18 suggests that other feedstuffs such as microalgae, soy, and insects have the potential to completely replace fishmeal and fish oil in feeding cultured species. Microalgae is one of the most promising alternative feeds, and not only does it not significantly reduce the nutrient content of the species being fed (eg, DHA and EPA concentrations), but also it does not change the flavour or colour, all of which may influence consumer demand.18 58 Therefore, expanding the production of microalgae and other feedstuffs to replace fish oil and fishmeal from forage fish may compensate for the decline in aquaculture production due to the reduced availability of forage fish, and may increase the contribution of forage fish to human health.
Forage fish dominate marine fish biomass in upwelling systems. For example, the Northwest African coast (Canary Current Upwelling System) is one of the four largest eastern boundary upwelling systems in the world, where nutrient-rich water sustains large fish populations.59 In countries along this coastline, such as Senegal, forage fish accounts for over 70% of landings and 80% of fish consumption, playing a critical role in the health and well-being of the population.60 However, overfishing caused by ineffective fisheries management policies,61 rising temperatures,62 increased export levels, and growing demand for fishmeal and oil have led to declining catches and threatened local food security.60 The increase in temperature may also lead to a decrease in the quality of food for forage fish, which may contain more zooplankton with low carbon contents,63 and therefore, may reduce the health contribution of forage fish in this study.
This study did not consider the impact of climate change on the future potential supply of forage fish, but a previous study predicted that forage fish yield in 2050 would change by less than 3% compared with that in 2020 under a severe emission scenario (representative concentration pathway 8.5),64 implying that the supply of forage fish in 2050 would not be significantly lower than that depicted by this study’s results. To support the sustainable production of forage fish, mitigation strategies could be adopted to reduce fishing pressure,65 and to reallocate fisheries to areas where environmental conditions are more favourable for forage fish under climate change.66 Multi-sectoral policy coordination and action21 (eg, prioritising access to affordable fish such as forage fish for the poor and promoting the use of nutrient-rich microalgae18 as fish feed) could help to address some of these barriers.
In addition to environmental influences, cultural acceptance and taste can prevent forage fish from realising its potential. The cultural context strongly influences the choice of food. Dietary recommendations and nutritional advice may conflict with the cultural beliefs of many populations. However, culturally tailored interventions that promote healthy lifestyles, increase family and community support, and increase patient awareness of the relationship between disease and diet can increase the success of behaviour and diet changes and, thus, disease prevention.67 68 Other effective strategies, such as climate change impact menu labels on food items with high-climate impact (eg, red meat)69 and consumer education on high nutritional value and fewer chemicals in forage fish,70 71 have the potential to facilitate a change in consumer diets from red meat to forage fish. Additionally, approaches that include the development of new food products such as ‘pulled herring’71 and the establishment of ‘Anchoveta Weeks’ that provide dishes and sauces with anchoveta72 have increased the consumption of forage fish in Finland and Peru.