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PA-249 Training epidemiologists and biostatisticians for enhanced response to disease outbreak and epidemic in West Africa: approach and progress
  1. Romain Glèlè Kakaï
  1. LABEF, Université d’Abomey-Calavi, Bénin


The COVID-19 pandemic has more than ever demonstrated the urgent need to train more skilled epidemiologists and biostatisticians in Sub-Sahara Africa to reverse the deficiency of reliable epidemiological data while efficiently monitoring, analyzing, and interpreting these data to inform public health policy and decision-making. The project “Training Epidemiologists and Biostatisticians for enhanced response to disease outbreak and epidemic in West Africa” (TEBWA, 2021–2024), supported by EDCTP2, aims to enhance West Africa’s research capacity in epidemiology and biostatistics to respond efficiently towards diseases outbreaks and emerging (and re-emerging) infectious diseases. Specifically, the project aims to (i) train fifteen skilled postgraduate biostatisticians and infectious disease epidemiologists in West Africa; (ii) strengthen the ability of young scientists from West African countries to manage epidemic disease outbreaks, and (iii) strengthen regional and international cooperation in Biostatistical and epidemiological research. The project is coordinated by the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM, UK) and the Benin National Agency for Primary Health Care (Benin). Fifteen young Africans (7 women and eight men) from eight countries (Benin, Ghana, Togo, Mali, Liberia, Guinea, Niger, and Cote d’Ivoire) have been recruited. They are currently following a master’s degree in either Biostatistics or Epidemiology and public health interventions. They are further taking online courses with the LSHTM. The project TEBWA also provides its fellows with a special mentoring program where fellows benefit from the rich and extensive experiences and networks of their mentors (from Africa and Europe). This mentorship program is key for their career development after the end of the project. The fellows are also supported in subscribing to several scholars and practitioners’ societies. The fellows are currently doing their research on various topics related to diseases such as COVID-19, Lassa Fever, Malaria, Cholera, Measles, Ebola, etc.

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