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PA-117 Digitization of research ethics committees in Africa: vector of efficiency and quality
  1. Nonvignon Marius Kedote1,
  2. Flore Gangbo2,
  3. Binet Wewe3
  1. 1Institut Régional De Santé Publique Comlan Alfred Quenum, Université D’abomey-calavi, Benin
  2. 2Comité National d’Ethique pour la Recherche en Santé, Benin
  3. 3Comité d’éthique de la recherche de l’Institut des sciences biomédicales appliquées, Benin


Background Research is an essential component of the response to health challenges such as weak health care systems and high disease burden that Africa faces. In addition to these challenges, the advent of health emergencies has led to a significant increase in the number of protocols for review by Research Ethics Committees (RECs). The majority of RECs in Africa still use paper-based review systems with long lead times for authorization. Regarding the major role assigned and the desired efficiency of the CERs, the digitization of the protocol ethics review process is a necessity for scientific development.

Methods We conducted a literature review using key words related to the digitization of RECs in Africa and used the experiences of RECs in Benin that are in the process of digitization through to the AMELIORER Project (2021–2023) entitled ”Enhancing Research Ethics and Regulatory Capacities in Benin” and funded by EDCTP (CSA2020ERC-3086).

Results The digitization of committees on the continent has brought light to their operations by facilitating dynamic and efficient ethics review. It has contributed to improving the quality of review through standardization and harmonization of ethics review procedures and reduction administrative workload and costs. However, RECs are facing digital learning challenges and technological capacity (availability of computer equipment and quality connectivity).

Conclusion For a more effective and dynamic research framework in Africa, it is essential to support RECs to implement and overcome the challenges inherent in the digitization process.

The funding source: CSA2020ERC-3086

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