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PA-16 Strengthening research ethics oversight in Botswana – The case of University of Botswana
  1. Paul Ndebele1,
  2. Dimpho Ralefala2,
  3. Joseph BR Gaie2
  1. 1George Washington University, USA
  2. 2University of Botswana, Botswana


Background The University of Botswana (UB) received a grant from the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) from 2011 to 2013. The overall aim of the grant was to strengthen capacity for ethical review and promote ethical conduct of research at UB. This paper presents findings from a study that evaluated the impact associated with the implementation of the grant on the research ethics processes at UB.

Methods Through a document review, the funded project plan, including targets, tasks and milestones, were assessed against the met deliverables, achievements and impact associated with the project.

Results The grant enabled the establishment of a Research Ethics Office, which is now a permanent structure, providing ethics oversight to all research conducted by the University research community. In addition, an IRB Administrative Officer was hired to coordinate the activities of the IRB and now heads the Research Ethics Unit. The grant also facilitated the acquisition of office equipment that contributed to improving the operations of the committee, including speeding up the ethics review process and communication with stakeholders. Standard Operating Procedures and guidelines on human research were developed, and several workshops held for graduate students and university staff. Furthermore, the grant facilitated IRB staff and some committee members to attend short courses on research ethics in South Africa, hence enhanced their skills and knowledge. Finally, key government stakeholders responsible for the issuance of research permits were involved in a workshop that reviewed and streamlined the review process and reduced the turnaround time for issuance of research permits.

Conclusion The EDCTP grant was critical in strengthening the research ethics oversight structures at the University of Botswana. These structures and processes have the potential to serve as a best practice model for other Universities intending to establish Research Ethics units in Botswana and beyond.

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