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PA-837 A combined health care provider and lay patient and public involvement and engagement in APT sepsis and LACTATE studies. A case for Malawi
  1. Bertha Maseko1,
  2. Alinane Linda Nyondo Mipando1,2,3,
  3. David Lissauer1,3
  1. 1Malawi Liverpool Wellcome programme, Malawi
  2. 2Kamuzu University of health Sciences, Malawi
  3. 3University of Liverpool, UK


Background Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) significantly contribute to clinical and implementation science research to make it relevant, acceptable, and beneficial to the public concerned. Research poses challenges to the lay public contributors to understand Medical Jargon, procedures, processes, and practice. Yet the need for their contribution towards research that is context specific remain critical. We formed a combined professional committee including medical professionals and lay members of the Public to contribute to the conduct of LACTATE and Active Prevention and Treatment of Maternal Sepsis (APT Sepsis) studies.

Methods The research team contacted health care providers, staff, and fellow PPI members to help identify and nominate sepsis survivors, carers, and spouses to survivors to contribute to LACTATE and APT SEPSIS studies. Health care providers experienced in Maternal and Fetal health were contacted to be part of the committee. The committee reviews Study document, receive implementation updates and discuss progress of studies in a combo approach. Health care providers provide a learning platform to lay public contributors to understand medical jargon and contribute effectively to clinical research while the public contributors provide personal, community and public perspectives about research and care services. Together they shape the research conduct.

Results Twelve members, both lay public contributors and health care professionals formed a strong committee in Maternal and Fetal health research group. No negative power imbalances have been observed within the members. The committee successfully informed the development of participant information sheet for LACTATE Study, provided guidance on dissemination of the APT sepsis study during the intervention phase. More protocols use the committee to guide the development and implementation of the research studies.

Conclusion Combining health care professional and lay public contributors is feasible and effective in contributing to research. Combination approach provides instant learning.

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