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PA-790 Strengthening knowledge translation capacities through partnerships: the data to policy training and mentorship program in Zambia
  1. Sandra Chilengi-Sakala,
  2. Victor Chalwe,
  3. Mambo Nsanzya
  1. National Health Research Authority, Zambia


Background Knowledge Translation (KT) is “the synthesis, exchange, and application of knowledge by relevant stakeholders to accelerate the benefits of global and local innovation in strengthening health systems and improving people’s health”. For over 7 years now, the Data to Policy (D2P) program is one of the approaches Zambia has taken to build capacity for knowledge translation. The initiative is a year-long mentorship program that equips health professionals with skills to develop evidence-based policy briefs on public health priority issues. The D2P utilizes epidemiology with economic analysis and modelling to develop informative policy briefs. The D2P program is supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies through CDC Foundation, and it is implemented by the National Health Research Authority (NHRA) whose functions among other this is research capacity building and KT.

Methods Through a call for applications, eligible health professionals express their interest to participate in the program stating a public health issue they will work on during the mentorship. The NHRA reviews and admits eligible participants to the program. A curriculum of 21 modules and is delivered by trained mentors who are experts in various and appropriate fields. Four to five trainings, close mentor-mentee check-ins, stakeholder engagements, a policy forum and final presentation of policy briefs to policy makers in the Ministry of Health.

Results The policy briefs quantify the public health issue, bring out the cost and quality implications of interventions and policy options, and recommends the most feasible options. A total of 83 people have been trained under D2P and 43 policy briefs have been developed, disseminated and recommendations from some have been considered for policy for different programs.

Conclusion The partnership plays an important role in strengthening the KT capacity and contributes to informed decision making in Zambia.

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