Every year, more than 150 000 children are infected with HIV and one-third of these new infections occur in West and Central Africa.1 In this region, 58% of pregnant women living with HIV are receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) and the HIV mother-to-child transmission rate exceeds 20%.1 Without ART initiation, newborn mortality is particularly high, especially in the second and third months of life and more than half die before their second birthday.2 Early infant HIV-diagnosis (EID) from 6 weeks of age is recommended by the WHO in order to initiate ART before 8 weeks of age for those HIV infected and thus significantly improving their life expectancy.3 However, only 27% HIV-exposed infants benefit from EID in West and Central Africa.1
Because maternal HIV antibodies persist in the blood of infants until the age of 12–18 months, PCR tests are required to provide a diagnosis. The recent development of point-of-care (POC) machines have considerably reduced PCR assay time processing and increased the number of HIV-exposed infants receiving their test result the same day as recommended by the WHO.3–5 For example, an observational study of 1793 children in Malawi showed that sites equipped with POC reduced the time from sample to result from 56 days to 1 day, and allowed 91.1% of infected children to receive ARV treatment before 60 days, compared with 41.9% with the standard strategy where blood sample are referred to the central laboratory.5 While the cost-effectiveness of POC implementation has been demonstrated in settings with a high volume of testing,6 7 the significant operational costs associated with POC sites (eg, specific laboratory equipment and personnel) make them only marginally cost-effective in settings with low testing volumes, such as low HIV prevalence areas.8 For example, in Guinea, the low prevalence of HIV (1.7%) and the decentralisation of the prevention of mother-to-child HIV-transmission programme to more than 300 health facilities across the country makes it difficult to justify the provision of POC equipment for HIV diagnostics in each site. In addition, while there is a gradual trend to repurpose PCR machines for multiplex assays (eg, tuberculosis, HIV, SARS-CoV-2) which will optimise operational cost of POC sites, the scale up of POC platform will require substantial investment and time.9
In most African countries with low HIV prevalence, blood samples are sent to central laboratories. Alongside delays due to bottlenecks at the central laboratories such as sample batching,10 the long turnaround time needed for sample transportation and to dispatch the test results to the referring facility remains a major obstacle to timely EID.11 12 In addition, once the results are available, it can take up to several months for caregivers to return for the results,11 12 further delaying ART initiation among HIV-infected children and significantly increasing their risk of death. Lost to follow-up of HIV-tested children who did not receive their results is also particularly high in non POC contexts and up to half of them never come back for the results.13
To reduce the time taken to transport medical samples and supplies to inaccessible places, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, has been explored in several studies in low-income countries.14–19 For example, UAVs are supplying blood bags to 20 transfusion sites located in isolated rural areas in Rwanda.19 While most studies show that UAV transportation is faster but more expensive than through road,14 16 17 20 the cost-effectiveness of this strategy (ie, consideration of life-saving benefit) remains poorly documented in low-income countries.21 In addition, UAV transportation focuses on rural environments,14–18 21 22 while urban areas with severe traffic congestion and inadequate road networks could benefit from faster emergency delivery through UAV.20 23
The aim of this research was to assess the cost-effectiveness (ie, cost per life-year gained) of EID blood sample transportation by UAV in Conakry, the capital of Guinea, and its suburbs. We compare this strategy to the current transport system, a unique van with irregular collection schedules, and to a hypothetical on-demand motorcycle transport system. We conducted this study from the perspective of the healthcare system.