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Correction: Experience and perspectives on palliative or end-of-life care of Chinese people and their families as immigrants to high-income countries: a systematic review and thematic synthesis

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Kwok HHY, Low J, Devakumar D, et al. Experience and perspectives on palliative or end-of-life care of Chinese people and their families as immigrants to high-income countries: a systematic review and thematic synthesis. BMJ Global Health 2020; 5: e003232. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-003232.

The published version in the discussion section has below two missing references and their respective in-text citations.

1-Haishan H, Hongjuan L, Tieying Z, et al. Preference of Chinese general public and healthcare providers for a good death. Nursing Ethics 2015;22:217–27.

This reference supports, in addition to the one in the published version, in-text the following statement:

It is not regarded as another phase of life in the way that many Christians believe.

2-Zhou T, Zhang P-t, Mo J-f. The Preference of Palliative Care and Hospice in Patients with Advanced Cancer. China Cancer 2011;20:741–5.

This reference supports in-text the following statement:

In communicating with patients and their familes, health professionals could consider substituting the term “palliative” or “end-of-life care” with other wordings like “comfort treatment”.

The reference in the publshed version does not support this statement.