Table 1

Study sample description: characteristics of facilities providing sick-child care and children receiving care

Children under 5 receiving sick-child care (n=3248)Facilities providing sick-child care (n=742)
Client demographics
 Child sex
 Child age (months)
  <2 months1123
  2 through 11 months106033
  12 through 59 months207664
 Symptoms reported by caretaker*
  Cough+fever only50516
  Cough+fever+other symptom†106933
  Cough+other symptom, no fever44514
  Fever+other symptom, no cough45514
  Other symptom (no cough or fever)2678
  No symptoms reported by caretaker582
Clinician characteristics
 Qualification of clinician caring for sick child (child level)/highest clinician on site (facility level)
  Advanced practice clinician or paramedical professional (eg, assistant medical officer, clinical officer)27718559380
  Other health professional (eg, counsellor, social worker)4131
 In-service training and supportive supervision
  IMCI training in the past 6 months: clinician caring for sick child (child level)/at least one clinician on site (facility level)5391721729
  Supportive supervision in the past 6 months: clinician caring for sick child (child level)/at least one clinician on site (facility level)‡18815845862
Facility characteristics
 Poverty in facility catchment area
  >80% in extreme poverty2026578
  60–80% in extreme poverty14284434847
  40–60% in extreme poverty12023722831
  20–40% in extreme poverty2076578
  0–20% in extreme poverty2096487
 Type of facility
  Non-hospital (eg, health centre, clinic, dispensary)20816464487
  Quality scoresMeanSDMeanSD
 Structural quality
  Service Readiness Index§0.640.170.590.14
  Service readiness for child curative and preventive care¶0.650.160.580.16
 Technical quality
  Observed adherence to IMCI**
  • *Caretakers could report multiple symptoms for each child.

  • †Other symptoms include diarrhoea, vomit, feeding problem, convulsions, sleeping problem and other.

  • ‡Supportive supervision is defined as supervision that included feedback and discussion of problems encountered in the past 6 months.

  • §Service  Readiness Index is a score from 0 to 1 assessing facility preparedness to deliver healthcare based on 50 items in five domains: amenities, basic equipment, infection prevention, diagnostic capacity and essential medicine (WHO SARA report).

  • ¶Service readiness for curative and preventive care for children is the proportion of 18 items (eg, staff training in IMCI, a thermometer and amoxicillin) essential for these services (WHO SARA report).

  • **Observed adherence to IMCI guidelines is the proportion of clinical actions (eg, history, examination, management) the provider is observed to complete in each clinical visit out of a list of 22 items (17 for those <2 months) detailed in the IMCI guidelines (2014 Chartbook).

  • IMCI, Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.