Table 3

Unadjusted and adjusted incidence estimates of neonatal conditions requiring inpatient care

ConditionsUnadjusted estimate (bounds of confidence*) per 1000 live birthsAdjusted estimates
(bounds of confidence) per 1000 live births
Already excluded in unadjusted estimates†Excluded by adjustment‡GRADE§
<32 weeks preterm14.60 (11.90–17.80)14.60 (11.90–17.80)TOP, GA <22 weeks, stillbirthsNot possible to adjust ⊕⊕⊕◯
BW <2000 g31.22 (27.20–35.80)14.31 (12.47–16.41)StillbirthsThose with other diagnoses in the framework ⊕◯◯◯
Neonatal encephalopathy8.63 (6.10–13.30)8.63 (6.10–13.30)‘Where possible’ GA <34 weeks, BW <2000 g, severe infection, congenital malformations, stillbirthsNot possible to adjust ⊕⊕⊕◯
Neonatal respiratory diseases24.56 (24.19–24.93)17.09 (16.74–17.43)RDS/TTN–GA <30 weeks, multiple pregnancies; MAS–GA <24 weeks, BW <500 g, multiple pregnancies, stillbirthsGA <32 weeks ⊕⊕◯◯
Severe infection62.00 (41.00–83.00)62.00 (41.00–83.00)BW <500 g, GA <32 weeks, stillbirthsNot possible to adjust ⊕⊕◯◯
Jaundice requiring treatment73.87 (67.10–81.20)63.60 (57.70–69.91)StillbirthsSevere infection ⊕◯◯◯
Major congenital malformations¶8.32 (6.07–10.02)2.86 (2.31–3.42)NilGA <32 weeks ⊕⊕◯◯
Total 223.19 (183.36–266.25)**183.09 (148.10–221.46)**
  • *95% CIs apart from in the case of ‘major congenital malformations’ (see supplementary appendix 1 for details).

  • †Excluded in primary data source.

  • ‡Excluded following adjustment for overlap.

  • §Evaluation of confidence in estimates based on the GRADE framework.

  • ¶Further details of the incidence estimates for major congenital malformation groupings are provided in online supplementary appendix 2 table S2.

  • **Lower and higher estimates calculated by summing lower and upper bounds of confidence, respectively.